TW: Suic*de
“Kabamur Taygeta” is a dangerous UFO cult leader intentionally creating the conditions for his followers to commit mass suicide. Today, he endorsed the worst traitor in American history.
“Kab” is following the path of Marshall Applewhite who created the “Heaven’s Gate” cult, which can be seen as one of the first “internet cults” because they recruited their members online. Here’s the website that’s still up from 1997.
“HALE-BOPP Brings Closure”
“Brings closure” is a euphemism for “commit suicide.” Hale-Bopp was a comet that they believed had friendly aliens that would beam them up, but they had to kill themselves first.
39 people did it.
“Benevolent beings ‘like humans’ will appear in crafts before ascension.”
“Ascension” is a cult euphemism for death. This is Heaven’s Gate.
Kab wants you to think that the crafts that you will “ascend” to are already here.
This is pure unadulterated suicide cult brainwashing happening in the open on Twitter. These accounts have hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter and Telegram.
Kabamur Taygeta said he had been given “verification that Q is legit and is in contact with Light Forces.” I suppose he is ignoring that Flynn said “Q” is a “government psyop.”
Twitter, of course, has done nothing about this cult leader trying to brainwash hundreds of thousands of people into suicide.
When I called him out nearly two years ago, I got this DM from him:
So I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that Kab is now embracing Mike Flynn openly but I cannot emphasize enough how dangerous this is. Kab is actively protecting Flynn and inviting “Q” followers into his suicide cult.
“Body’s in 3D are temporary” is the precise same message that Marshall Applewhite gave to his followers before they killed themselves.
God, how I hate these charlatan grifter cult leaders. I just can’t imagine how empty one’s soul must be to want to lead a pack of people you know you’ve duped. I say that as someone who doesn’t even believe in a metaphysical soul, but... I guess it’s a metaphor for empathy and conscience.
That Ancient Aliens show on the History channel feeds people into this cult.