Well THAT Sure Clears Up a Lot
Dave Troy finds a key link explaining Elon Musk’s obeisance to Putin
Dana Rohrabacher has been a Russian asset for decades, so the fact that Rohrabacher was the person in Congress who paved the way for Elon Musk to infiltrate the space program is incredibly important and should trigger a massive re-examination of SpaceX and every other company Elon Musk runs.
In 1991, Erik Prince interned at Dana Rohrabacher’s office which was run by chief of staff Paul Behrends who was a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) — an extremist branch of Catholicism literally still executing the Crusades.
In 1992, Erik Prince converted to Catholicism and became a Knight of Malta.
In the 2000s, Erik Prince built a company designed to execute the Crusades called Blackwater. He worked with Mike Flynn to murder as many Muslims as he could get away with using Knights Templar symbology on his murder vehicles.
In 2016, Kevin McCarthy said “Putin pays two people” — Trump and Rohrabacher. Erik Prince ran fundraisers for Rohrabacher up until he retired from Congress a few years ago. And apparently Musk was a big benefactor as well.
Knight of Malta Paul Behrends “unexpectedly died” three weeks before the insurrection.
Paul Behrends was a Putin asset for many decades along with his boss Dana Rohrabacher, although it’s not clear who was handling who.
The relationship between Elon Musk, Dana Rohrabacher and Erik Prince, along with the unexpectedly departed Paul Behrends really needs some further examination.
I’m sorry, but what the actual fuck is this? 😦
And just to bring it closer to home, neo-nazi chaos agent Chuck Johnson, who is currently infiltrating leftist podcasts is also connected to Dana Rohrabacher.
Here is neo-nazi chaos agent Chuck Johnson, with “Putin Pays” Rohrabacher, in front of Putin asset Julian Assange’s hideout in the Ecuadorean Embassy — flashing a white power sign.
Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter and let Putin win Ukraine because he is terrified. And compromised. Just as these fake sekrit fake Zoom calls predicted three weeks ago.
Dave's thread gets more interesting as folks comment. I'd love to see more investigation before they let him take over Twitter with funding from Saudis and Russia. It's all so sketch...
Wow. Major Musk receipts.