The controlled opposition to QAnon is comprised of what I will call “Leftist Infiltrators As Reportable Sources” or #LIARS. Sadly, these LIARS have gotten to lots of journalists and Hollywood types. They have been spinning stories for years in the project to protect QAnon not expose it.
For example, the HBO documentary “Q: Into the Storm” was manufactured by LIARS in order to whitewash and platform bad actors — and present a totally false conclusion about QAnon based on Hollywood sleight of hand.
Similarly, nonsense pseudo-science created by the same LIARS was platformed in the New York Times as further “proof” that Ron Watkins was “Q” when it did no such thing.
Ron Watkins made one of the most pathetic “runs” for office ever seen.
Ron Watkins had to loan his own campaign $95k just to get low single digits to vote for him in the most pro-QAnon state in the country. Now he has disappeared for a month.
As I have been saying for two years: Mike Flynn is Putin’s General. He is also Q. The LIARS who have been trying to protect QAnon have been fucking around for with the public for five years. Now they’re about to find out.
Finally, the press is starting to get it. This just came out.
“We’re Not Gonna Take It” was the last Q drop.
Here’s a detailed description of how Mike Flynn transformed QAnon into the Big Lie and used Ron Watkins in the process.
Finally, please watch the third episode of Season 2: The Search for Q tonight!
#FuckLIARS #ArrestMikeFlynn
(When the AP and “Frontline” asked Flynn in February if he is ascribes to Christian nationalist views, he dodged. He first asked what the term meant, then said he was “an Irish Catholic” then a “follower of Jesus,” before criticizing the reporter: “That was a stupid question to ask me,” he said, “because that means that you really have not studied Mike Flynn.”)
Exact opposite of the truth, surprise, surprise! As we probably all well know.
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