The Washington Post put out a great article on Roger Stone’s activities surrounding the insurrection. Apparently, malignant narcissist Roger Stone made the incredible decision to have a documentary crew film him while he conspired to overthrow the government of the United States.
However, here’s a video of Roger Stone that I tweeted a week before the insurrection. The tweet said: 🚨 1/6 IS GOING TO BE A SHITSHOW 🚨
In the video, Roger is raising money to pay the Oathkeepers as “protection” when it was the Oathkeepers who led the organized violence at the insurrection. In short, Roger was raising money for insurrectionists right here. 👇
Here’s Roger with Alex Jones on 12/31/20 calling Donald Trump the “greatest president since Abraham Lincoln” and fake speculating about why Trump left his “palatial and opulent” Mar-a-lago before New Year’s Eve.
Here’s Mike Flynn employee Tracy Diaz saying she provided information to Roger Stone in March 2017 about Guccifer and that he thanked her for it.
Here’s Roger’s partner Mike Flynn with Alex Jones the day before the insurrection guaranteeing that Donald Trump “will be the next President.”
And just because, here’s Roger at a deposition a few years ago. 😬