Why is There a Traitor in Charge of 90,000 American Troops?
Charles Flynn must be stripped of his rank and brought up on charges. Joe Flynn should be in a prison cell.
Charles Flynn was given a fourth star and elevated to a position where he could interfere with the defense of the Capitol on January 6th on the same day that his brother Mike Flynn aka “Q” was pardoned by Donald Trump.
Charles Flynn held a video conference on 1/6/21 for hours where he argued that using the National Guard would be “bad optics” while Capitol Police officers were being tortured and killed.
The Army lied about the fact that Charles Flynn interfered with defending against the mob that got within seconds of capturing and possibly killing Members of Congress.
Charles Flynn lied in the Defense Department OIG Report about January 6th. He was called an “unmitigated liar” “worthy of the best Stalinist or North Korean propaganda” by an official of the National Guard.
Incredibly, after Joe Biden was inaugurated, the DoD put Charles Flynn in charge of 90,000 American troops as the Commander of the US Army Pacific — which would respond to Chinese aggression in Taiwan.
Here’s his little brother Joe this morning. Joe acts as an office manager, fundraiser, and thug for their other brother Mike Flynn’s anti-democratic fifth column. Joe was a regular on QAnon shows raising money for Mike’s defense fund. Joe is a criminal, a traitor and a fraud who made money from spreading dangerous propaganda about horse dewormer being a COVID cure. He should not be a free man.
Note Joe is using the same slogan for Charles Flynn that he uses for Mike: “FightLikeAFlynn.”

It is absolutely bizarre that the brother of the man running psychological operations on behalf of Vladimir Putin to destroy American democracy is still in the military at all, much less in charge 90,000 troops.
ICYMI, in this interview QAnon thug Joe Flynn asks a great question. Why is Charles Flynn “still in there?” #ArrestMikeFlynn #ArrestAllFlynns
This truly does boggle the mind. I fear this worldwide fascist/crime network is going for the whole enchilada, beginning with Putin's war. What will the next ingredient be?
“it is what it is”. I’m so fucking sick of hearing these monsters use that phrase. It wouldn’t be what it “is” if people who could do something about it just old do it. Biden is so afraid of appearing partisan that he’s throwing out the proverbial baby with the bath water.