Will Sommer is a Big Fat Liar
Do not believe a thing he says. He’s covering for Flynn.

Will Sommer is not interested in Jason Sullivan because he wants to expose him, he is trying to figure out how to cover for him — and Flynn. I exposed Jason Sullivan well over a year ago while Will Sommer was conspiring with his friends to attack and silence me.

Will Sommer wrote an entire article covering up for Flynn’s prayer by Elizabeth Clare Prophet — downplaying it (and me) while he ran around with his buddy Mike Rothschild to pretend it was some kind of accident by Flynn. Then he went on TV to lie about it to Maddow.
This is designed to fool people into thinking, astonishingly, that Mike Flynn is the victim of an unfair campaign by QAnon believers, instead of being caught red-handed being a treasonous cult leader. #SatanGate👹
Will Sommer has been lying about QAnon, the Russians and Mike Flynn literally since it started. He is allied with one of the social media terrorists who started “Q” named Douglas Matthew Stewart who likes to troll people to death with his colleague Louise Mensch.
No one should trust a thing that Will Sommer says under any circumstances. He’s a shitty, smarmy disinformation op who’s been trolling people on the chans longer than he’s been “writing.”
How’s your other fren, literal nazi Jack Posobiec, Will?
Thanks Jim ❤️🕊
Sophia was caught red handed well before the creation and implementation of QAnon.