Psychological warfare has two primary objectives:
To diminish the enemy by causing chaos and changing popular sentiment through propaganda
To prepare the battlefield for kinetic war
“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”
— Leon Trotsky
The imminent invasion of Ukraine signals the next phase of a multi-decade attack by enemies of American democracy, including fascists like Vladimir Putin, anarcho-capitalist billionaires like the Mercers, Kochs and Peter Thiel, and traitors like Mike Flynn, Erik Prince, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani and Roger Stone.
However, in my opinion, the critical moment of decision came in 2015 when Flynn and Putin conspired to begin WWIII.
KGB agent Vladimir Putin has been infiltrating the United States and our allies since before he took over Russia in the early 90s. These active measures serve to collect information, inauthentically gain influence, and spread disinformation through his assets. Putin is a master of psychological warfare, having learned his craft at KGB and honed over 30 years of transnational crime and authoritarian rule.
Putin has been executing an escalating version of the “Gerasimov Doctrine” — which is a strategy of constant asymmetric warfare against more powerful adversaries, in particular, the United States.
Putin is both a fascist and a communist. While he only cares about power, he believes restoring and expanding the Soviet Empire with Moscow as the “Third Rome” is the best way to achieve it. Ukraine is a critical launching pad for executing the kinetic part of his plan. His goal is to eliminate global liberal democracy and unite Europe and Asia under his rule.
In preparation for kinetic war, Putin needed to weaken the United States, its allies and NATO which he achieved by launching a global psychological warfare attack on his enemies with the assistance of domestic traitors in the US, led by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn.
Flynn is an expert in psychological operations (“psyops”) and was stationed for many years at Ft. Bragg which is the headquarters of Army PSYOP. A significant percentage of Flynn’s agents and operatives have psyops experience, including several who served under him in Afghanistan — for example, Erik Prince and many ex-Blackwater mercenaries.
Flynn and his allies, including Steve Bannon through Cambridge Analytica, delivered data and psychological operations that led to Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidency.
Trump conspired with the Republican Party during his term to cause as much damage to the US as they could both domestically and internationally — including installing three radical Supreme Court Justices on behalf of the Federalist Society.
Before, during and after Trump’s presidency, Flynn conspired with many others to engineer a fascist cult to fund his legal battles — and provide him an army of tens of millions “digital soldiers” through which he could create chaos in the United States. Simultaneously Flynn built an army of physical soldiers through violent extremist groups like the 1AP, III%ers, Oathkeepers and Proud Boys.
Today, at least a third of US adults participate in Flynn’s cult to some extent, with at least 10% openly admitting to being in favor of the violent overthrow of the Biden Administration.
What’s next
It appears Putin has calculated that the US is now sufficiently weak that he believes the damage he will endure through economic sanctions when he invades Ukraine are outweighed by the strategic advantage he gains.
I expect that his escalation to kinetic war in Europe will be matched by more kinetic actions by domestic terrorists inside the United States to create fear and stoke populist, white nationalist and cultic radicalization. Unless there is massive law enforcement action, the 2022 elections will likely not take place without major disruption.
In 2013, Putin acquired kompromat on long-time Russian asset Donald Trump at the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow — in addition to Trump’s decades of money laundering for Russian oligarchs through real estate and shell companies.
In 2014, Mike Flynn got fired by Barack Obama — who later singled out Mike Flynn to Donald Trump as someone who should not be brought into the White House for any reason.
The record will show that in 2015, Mike Flynn and Putin agreed to run psychological warfare inside the United States in order to install Donald Trump in the presidency.
Trump announced his campaign with shocking racist propaganda, presaging his cooperation in the project to radicalize the American public through gaslighting and bigotry.
In early 2016, Flynn began assembling his team and was inserted into a top position in the Trump campaign to position himself for the operation.
His top level lieutenants in the project were — and still are:
Steve Bannon — Propaganda
Connections to Russia, China and Guo
Erik Prince — Operations, Training, International Support
Connections to Russia, China, Saudi, UAE
Peter Thiel — Data-collection, Cryptocurrency, Influence, Psyops
Connections to Silicon Valley, Mercers, Transnational networks
Roger Stone — Political “ratfucking” operations, Propaganda, Enforcement
Connections to Russia, Proud Boys, Infowars
Around the same time, Prince brought in Israeli firm PsyGroup — which was run by ex-Mossad/Unit 8200 operatives and executed political psyops — began to create fake personas online, on both the right and the left, to create propaganda, infiltrate legitimate groups, and cause chaos.
Prince developed numerous operatives through Project Veritas and other recruiting and training facilities at his ranch in Wyoming and a campus in Virginia. Many of these were aimed at infiltrating “liberal groups” as well as targeting Republican opponents of Donald Trump.
Flynn was also being paid by the owner of Israeli cyber-warfare dealer NSO Group through 2016.
Flynn, his partners, and his son Mike Flynn Jr. assembled a team of white nationalist hackers, trolls and chaos agents to execute this plan in the United States. These included:
Jack Posobiec
Ex-Navy intel, connected to Flynn, neo-nazi, Pizzagate frontman
Mike Cernovich
Neo-nazi / Russian propagandist, misogynist, GamerGate ringleader
Jeff Giesea
White nationalist anarcho-capitalist who works with Thiel. “Memetic warfare” proponent.
Chuck Johnson
Neo-nazi hacker and infiltrator who worked with Roger Stone, Dana Rohrabacher and Julian Assange on weaponizing Wikileaks
“Baked Alaska” aka Tim Gionet
Neo-nazi troll and provocateur who participated in the insurrection
Justin McConney aka Trump’s Twitter Whisperer aka “Microchip”
Son of Trump’s Comptroller. Taught Trump to tweet and massively expanded his social media reach
Chaos agent connected to Erik Prince
James Brower
Trump Campaign staffer who worked with Cambridge Analytica. Lived in Rhode Island, as did Flynn.
Bill Mitchell
Trump/QAnon propagandist
Milo Yiannopolous
Bannon-bred provocateur. Promoted GamerGate and built the alt-right at Breitbart.
Simultaneously, the Russians accelerated development of their assets in the media — on the right and the left. This included right wing-networks RSBN, OANN, Fox, and Newsmax. In addition they cultivated an array of popular neo-nazis like Tucker Carlson and Nick Fuentes.
On the “left,” the Russians supported media fronts like Grayzone, which was founded by Russia / Assad propagandist Max Blumenthal with contributors like Russian assets Aaron Maté and Matt Taibbi. Additionally, “leftist” assets like Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange started to use the influence they’d developed to deliver propaganda. Far-left troll groups like Chapo Trap House were set up to enforce Russia’s narrative on social media.
At the RNC in 2016, Flynn and his lieutenants coordinated a plan to put Donald Trump in the White House through psyops. These were operationalized in the Flynn/Thiel-led PAC called “MAGA3X.”
At the RNC, Flynn and Thiel gave fascist speeches which included Flynn leading a chant of “lock her up.” Simultaneously, Paul Manafort forced the RNC to gut its anti-Russia policy regarding Ukraine.
After the RNC, MAGA3X executed a number of psyops in conjunction with PsyGroup, Cambridge Analytica, and the Russian government — via the Internet Research Agency and Russian asset Julian Assange through Wikileaks. This included Pizzagate and a number of fake “scandals” involving people in Hillary Clinton’s orbit — Podesta, Huma, Weiner, etc. — as well as infiltration into the Bernie movement in order to radicalize it. Finally, it was responsible for several versions of the “emails” propaganda that culminated in James Comey reopening her case 11 days before the election.
These psyops illegally shifted the election and put Russian asset Donald Trump in the presidency.
MAGA3X continued its operations after the election, which resulted in Mike Flynn Jr. being kicked off the transition in December 2016 because he was publicly pushing Pizzagate. He was a sacrificial lamb for his father who promoted MAGA3X numerous times on his Twitter account and campaign rallies.
Right after the election, Mike Flynn bragged about changing the outcome of the election through “irregular warfare” aka psyops — executed through MAGA3X, his lieutenants and others — and coined the phrase “digital soldiers” which became a major meme in QAnon.
On November 17th, 2016, 11 days after the election, Mike Flynn was announced as Trump’s National Security Adviser.
Almost immediately, Flynn illegally communicated with the Russian government to discuss eliminating sanctions against Putin and his oligarchs.
Soon after the inauguration, Flynn was caught lying to the FBI about his calls to the Russians. Flynn was fired and soon became embroiled in the Mueller investigation.
After it put on the “Deploraball” in January 2017, where Peter Thiel made an appearance, MAGA3X quietly faded from public view over the the course of the next few months.
It’s operations did not stop, however. A number of dangerous online troll groups were created including “The Shed,” “Troll Army” and Louise Mensch’s group to enforce disinformation and attack truth tellers from all ideological sides.
At the same time Thiel was funding and staffing MAGA3X, Thiel installed operatives in the Trump administration including his Chief of Staff becoming Chief Technology Officer at the White House.
Through the first half of 2017, Flynn’s allies in the White House and Congress, including Devin Nunes, Chuck Grassley, Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick made efforts to cover for Flynn’s Russia connections. Cohen-Watnick was fired on August 2nd, 2017.
In late August 2017, several members of MAGA3X conspired to create the dangerous disinformation LARP called “Q.” These people included Jack Posobiec, Douglas Stewart, James Brower, Justin McConney and Mike Flynn Jr. Manuel Chavez III aka “Defango” was also involved.
Meanwhile, Mike Flynn Sr. was being forced to “cooperate” with the Mueller investigation and started the “Mike Flynn Defense Fund” in September 2017.
In October 2017, the “Q” LARP was launched on 4chan by MAGA3X, specifically Stewart, Brower and McConney on Chavez’s Discord server.
[EDIT: Chavez claims he was invited by McConney to a Discord server that was previously set up. Chavez claims McConney called him a week after they met at DEFCON.]
At the same time, a significant group of new people were either installed as assets or were paid to cooperate with a parallel disinformation operation coming from the left.
“Q” was an avatar for Mike Flynn that combined alternate reality game techniques, traumatic content and propaganda to indoctrinate and recruit people into a genocidal death cult that became QAnon.
In December 2017, Mike Flynn confessed to lying to the FBI and formally agreed to cooperate with Robert Mueller.
Through early 2018, Flynn grew “Q” through his operatives including Council for National Policy member and Assange/Roger Stone pal Jerome Corsi, Flynn employee Tracy Diaz, Jordan Sather, Dave Hayes, Coleman Rogers / “Patriots Soapbox” as well as the operators of 8chan — Jim and Ron Watkins.
Flynn raised many millions of dollars from people who joined his QAnon cult. His siblings made several appearances on “Patriots Soapbox” to raise money for their brother — and themselves.
In early 2018 Peter Thiel created a “centrist” version of QAnon for wealthy, mostly white people called “intellectual dark web” which captured major influencers like Bill Maher and Joe Rogan. It was popularized by libertarian operative Bari Weiss in a May 2018 NYT article.
In April 2018, Ezra Cohen-Watnick was installed to spy on the DOJ in Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ office. “Q” celebrated this.
In Summer 2018, Flynn’s operatives launched a disinformation campaign aimed at separating themselves from “Q” in order to falsely limit their liability, to cause chaos, and to attract more people, especially from the far-left, into the cult. In August 2018, the originators of “Q” regained control of it.
At the end of 2018, Douglas Stewart and others launched “Q Slayers” which was a LARP that brought assets on the far-left and far-right together to create and enforce a false history of “Q.”
In 2019, Flynn hired QAnon lawyer Sidney Powell with the money he raised from QAnon cult members. Powell immediately began to fight Flynn’s cooperation agreement creating propaganda in the process, and validated QAnon on Fox News and Twitter on a regular basis.
Throughout 2019, Rudy Giuliani and his assets in Ukraine generated propaganda against Joe and Hunter Biden. Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to “investigate” the propaganda which led to Trump’s first impeachment.
In January 2020, the COVID pandemic started — causing people to spend much more time online — and was immediately seized on by Trump and the right-wing to attack Russia’s enemy China, and deliver dangerous anti-vaxx propaganda. QAnon and derivatives took full advantage of the chaos by further radicalizing their followers and recruiting new members.
Trump and Kushner intentionally botched the pandemic response because they believed it was mostly affecting “blue states.” Many hundreds of thousands of Americans died as a result further increasing chaos and division in the country.
In May 2020, Attorney General William Barr and QAnon lawyer Sidney Powell freed Flynn from his own confession and DOJ cooperation agreement.
On the Fourth of July 2020, Flynn and his family did the QAnon oath on video.
Through 2020, QAnon became much more organized and much, much larger. It became focused and weaponized to deliver coercive anti-democratic propaganda leading up to the presidential election.
Trump weaponized COVID throughout his 2020 campaign and overtly cooperated with QAnon and the Russians leading up to the election, validating the cult and preparing them for an attempted coup.
In November 2020, Biden won the presidency by a thin margin despite the blatant incompetence, corruption, and literal treason displayed throughout Trump’s presidency and both campaigns. This narrow margin provided fuel for radicalization and propaganda and gave Democrats a very precarious majority in Congress.
Two overt QAnon members, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, were elected — who later participated in the planning for 1/6 along with dozens of other Members of Congress.
Simultaneously, on Election Day, the “Q” LARP retired and the Big Lie — a coordinated psyop to brainwash people into believing the 2020 election was stolen — was launched in its place. This was the propaganda that led to the insurrection.
A few days after Trump lost the election, Flynn allies Chris Miller, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Kash Patel and Anthony Tata were placed in the top positions at the Department of Defense.
In late November 2020, Flynn was pardoned, overtly took control of the QAnon cult, and privately took control of a variety of militias, charlatans, doomsday cult leaders, Christian nationalists and neo-nazi cells.
A week later, on 12/8/20, “Q” did its last post, a MAGA video using one of Flynn’s favorite songs — “We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister. Flynn still uses the song for his cult rallies and promotional videos as well.
In late 2020, the disinformation network set up on the left intensified its effort to cover up the origins and purpose of QAnon — which included attacking and discrediting those who exposed it.
Three weeks before the insurrection, Mike Flynn’s brother Charles was elevated to four-star General and given a position in which he could host a long video conference that helped prevent the defense of the Capitol on 1/6.
At the same time, Flynn allies Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Kash Patel were effectively running the Pentagon.
In January 2021, Flynn orchestrated the insurrection at the Capitol, along with all of his lieutenants, including his brother Charles and the civilian leadership at DoD.
Part of the plan to create the conditions for a coup was an attempt to blame the left and “Antifa” for the attack on the Capitol. That plan was partially thwarted by exposure of the plan on Twitter and elsewhere ahead of time.
Despite his participation in preventing the defense of the Capitol on 1/6, Charles Flynn was promoted after the inauguration to Commanding General of the US Army Pacific with 90,000 troops.
When Biden’s term started, the QAnon cult broke apart, metastasized, rebuilt on Russian-owned Telegram, and radicalized further. Neo-nazi groups grew by an order of magnitude in 2021.
Throughout the year, Mike Flynn grew his cult and expanded it to include anti-vaxx, anti-CRT and other dangerous forms of genocidal propaganda. He ran racist psyops that helped flipped the Virginia governor’s race to Glenn Youngkin.
Flynn also produced a large array of traveling events charging participants for intensive traumatic brainwashing, mostly delivered in Christian churches, while disinformation actors on the left promoted false histories of QAnon and escalated attacks on people exposing the truth.
In September 2021, Flynn led a charismatic Christian church in a prayer by fascist cult leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet, openly signaling his desire to create a syncretic doomsday cult incorporating both evangelical and occult ideology.
Mike Flynn has grown increasingly open about his goal of the destruction of American democracy in favor of a fascist theocracy allied with Vladimir Putin. This agenda is now increasingly being mirrored by the GOP and amplified by right-wing media.
As of this writing, Mike Flynn is continuing to launch multiple prongs of a digital and physical attack on the United States. His slogan “Local Action has a National Impact” is a barely concealed euphemism for domestic terrorism.
In February 2022, Putin will invade Ukraine signaling the beginning of the kinetic phase of WWIII — which will not be limited to eastern Europe.
Reasonable people can disagree about whether this is “World War Three” or not, including whether it started in 2015 or even earlier.
Regardless, fascism is the accumulation of power unencumbered by concern for human life — the geopolitical mirror of sociopathy. So one can argue that WWIII started the day after WWII. There will always be sociopaths willing to sacrifice others for power.
However, the evidence is overwhelming that the 2016 election was targeted by Putin, Flynn, Trump and many others starting in 2015 — at the latest. They illegally flipped the election to Trump through psychological warfare operations.
In my opinion, active operations by traitors inside the United States with the objective of advancing the geopolitical agenda of our enemies should be called what it is — war.
We must acknowledge this war, stop hiding it from the American people, and charge everyone involved with Treason.
If you found this of value, please share it widely. The enemies of democracy — on all sides of the political spectrum — are trying to confuse the narrative and create an alternate history of what happened. This is just a continuation of this war and must be combatted by all of us by sharing the truth wherever we find. it. 🇺🇸
The mindset we need
This is fucking FABULOUS. THANK YOU! So much great info piecing parts together. I can’t say I can validate or verify every piece of info here but it sure resonates thoroughly with my perspective and the fact sets I’ve witnessed and gathered through my research.
Also, please check out my theory on the basis of this WW3, which I believe started a bit earlier in 2014 with the Putin’s invasion and annexation of Crimea:
That was the first piece of hot warfare in Russia’s attempt to secure itself after EuroMaidan made Putin feel the post-WW2 global security order was broken. Not acceptable to have a NATO partner directly bordering Russia apparently.
The war in Ukraine is hugely important to Putin of course but far more is the hybrid warfare he wages against the West, primarily the USA., with Flynn Trump Manafort Prince and Bannon key allies, traitors against the USA. Without any chance at winning a direct military confrontation, total war, and especially mutually assured nuclear destruction strategically, Putin hopes to sustain autocratic rule and Imperial expansionism by corrupting and subverting the US and the world’s faith in Liberal Democratic governance with it.
Winning against these a-holes requires exposing their antics as you’re doing, developed strategies to inoculate us against the psych warfare, and counter with a compelling and competent alternative vision and message. We need to get law enforcement to do its job. And we need to NOT fall into the trap of adding gas to an already raging fire that threatens to engulf our governance and freedoms with it.
With that in mind, I absolutely adore Tom Nichol’s piece on “Fight Like Adults”: