You Are Experiencing MindWar
Cognitive warfare, psychological warfare, the Gerasimov Doctrine, and Michael Aquino’s “MindWar” are basically the same idea
Michael Aquino was a Satanic pedophile that performed ritual abuse on children for years while stationed at the Presidio and then created the Satanic Panic to cover it up. He started Temple of Set, which he broke off from the Church of Satan, which Aquino was involved in from the start. Here’s Aquino (and his Satanic eyebrows) with Sean Stone, son of Putin propagandist Oliver in 2015.
42 years ago, after starting the Temple of Set in 1975, as a Major in Army PSYOP, Michael Aquino wrote “MindWar” with Paul Vallely, who is now a QAnon promoter.
This paper lays out the strategy of overwhelming a population with information designed to placate them — by brainwashing them.
MindWar is about attacking the target from the inside out:
Strategic MindWar must begin the moment war is considered to be inevitable. It must seek out the attention of the enemy nation through every available medium, and it must strike at the nation’s potential soldiers before they put on their uniforms. It is in their homes and their communities that they are most vulnerable to MindWar. Was the United States defeated in the jungles of Vietnam, or was it defeated in the streets of American cities?
Over 40 years ago, Aquino and Vallely knew that propaganda needed to surround the target through “electronic media.”
To this end MindWar must be strategic in emphasis, with tactical applications playing a reinforcing, supplementary role. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe - neither through primitive “battlefield” leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronics - but through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth.
Aquino died in 2020 but his partner General (Ret) Paul Vallely is actively participating in MindWar against America.
Here is Vallely with QAnon promoter General (Ret.) Thomas McInerney and Mike Flynn’s point man on running psyops to steal the 2020 election — Phil Waldron. Flynn and Vallely corresponded before the 2016 election.
And here are Flynn and Vallely running psyops together six months ago.
Cognitive warfare is a term being used by the military and NATO to describe the same ideas as MindWar.
“In cognitive warfare, the human mind becomes the battlefield.”
The Gerasimov doctrine is a Russian strategy to use non-kinetic warfare against their enemies. It shares many, if not all, characteristics of Aquino’s MindWar. Valery Gerasimov is known as “the Butcher of Syria” because of his genocidal attacks on the Syrian population. Now he’s in charge of the atrocities in Ukraine.
Psychological warfare using propaganda is as old as war itself. What’s different now is that it’s being used by American traitors against American citizens.
That overwhelming sense of dread you feel, watching our democracy crumble around us is exactly what they want. Every time you turn around there is something else to be horrified about. Taking women’s rights away, intentionally brainwashing people with the Big Lie, the radicalization of QAnon and its progeny, the GOP transformation into a fascist, anti-American death cult, the invasion of Ukraine, neo-nazi mass murders, the attack on the Disinformation Board and the administration’s capitulation, etc. are all designed to make a fascist takeover seem inevitable.
This is MindWar on a massive scale. You are being attacked — you are not crazy. This is a real plan to destroy American democracy by attacking your mind — and it’s working.
The key to defeating this plan, to defeating fascism, is to acknowledge it and understand how it works. This war is not kinetic but it is as real as if Putin dropped a nuke on New York. Ignoring it and hoping that norms and customs are going to save us is a one-way ticket to a theocratic white ethnostate, which is what they want.
We’re fighting this war with powdered wigs and hopium while a coalition of billionaires, like Elon Musk, and fascist psyops experts like Flynn, Waldron and Vallely are conspiring to take down the government of the United States.
We are headed for a dark time, I’m afraid. The absolute shitshow of the Disinformation Board and the failure of the administration to acknowledge that we are at war at all is a sign that they’re going to do nothing to win it.
I’m sorry I don’t have better news. #ArrestMikeFlynn
It is certainly a hopeless and helpless feeling. IMHO, there are multiple levels of evolutionary consciousness at play. It's very hard for a person of, for lack of a a better term, a more "evolved consciousness" to even conceive of the evil that totally amoral and depraved individuals can inflict. I think that is partly why Democratic leadership and many others have trouble getting the enormity of the threat.
This is so disgusting and depressing. Aquino is the worst of the worst sort of human being. The stories I have heard from his victims are just despicable and horrifying.