Isn't it funny how the folks hysterically bleating about "tyranny" turn into pom-pom waving cheerleaders when actual goddamn tyranny shows up in the form of a compromised court stripping half the US population of its right to bodily autonomy. You could just die laughing. 🙄

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

The only issue

Greetings Jim:

On June 24, 2022, Gen. Michael Flynn, head of the U.S. Military intelligence reconnaissance during the Obama administration and first NSA advisor to Donald Trump, posted on 8kun (formerly 8chan) as military intelligence anonymous clearance level q (henceforth just Q) with three posts in the politics subsection. This was first time in 2 years. Now, it is not just the disgraced and, worse, pardoned general and traditionalist Catholic leader. Flynn conceives it, Dan Savino writes it, Ron Watkins sells it in both pop culture references and through his failing Arizona campaign for Congress, Jim Watkins hosts it, Gen. Joseph Flynn enacts the commands (not legal), and the traditionalist Catholics are the eyes in the sky who watch and direct all. Those Catholic leaders include a three-eyed fish leadership that many Catholics feel are the true leaders of the world (or the US); Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano (the grey pope), Raymond Cardinal Burke (the chosen pope to be), and though I hate to say this, Pope Benedict XVI (the retired pope, or as some extremists believe, the pope in exile.) Each person I named in this Q Anon leadership are Catholics. Now, I too am Catholic. But I am not a traditionalist Catholic. That is a distinctive difference.

Here, let me show you. Many Catholics the world over, including Pope Francis and many American Catholics, are egalitarian and willing to not let our faith or lack thereof get in the way of worldwide governance. President Joe Biden is one of those mainstream Catholics, as were and are the Kennedys. In short, we are considered Vatican II Catholics. Now, traditionalist Catholics are not just those who pine for the days of the Latin mass done in the Latin language. These Catholics are militant, as you might have guessed with their allegiances to Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta and the like. They are also, when cornered, scared people who are looking to their leaders in the faith to revert to the days of total Catholic world leadership. Indeed, this is something that the Flynn family believes. In their mind, worldwide liberal democracy has failed. Their solution, primarily, is to return to the older leadership ways in the time of the Dark and Middle Ages. The days when the Church ruled all, even kings and militaries. One could say that the decision of King Henry VII to enact the Church of England was a line of demarcation between Catholic supremacy and liberal freedom. There is, however, a hidden meaning with this Catholic extremism we see. For it was the Church, in its early incarnations, that sought the exclusivity of knowledge. Why, so it went, give knowledge to the poor, indebted, and lame when they will use said knowledge to be as equal or above their leaders in the robes? I need not go over the ways knowledge was forbidden to the plebes at the time; a cursory examination of who benefited from the destruction of the library of Alexandria will give you an idea.

Now, we can go over what types of knowledge traditionalist Catholics fear will get into the hands of the mainstream Catholics and many others. That, however, is for another time. What we are seeing is this section of Catholics who have, in the last 60 years, sought to undo the light of mainstream Catholicism and liberalism by, at least to start, reversing Vatican II. And to do this before the inevitable Vatican III council needs to take place, particularly when it occurs under a Democratic American President who is themselves Catholic. Because I will tell you this prediction: the Synod of Sy nodality expected to take place in October next year will force the Church and therefore the world to a more liberal and people powered order. As well it should. And they are most terrified, these traditionalists Catholics like the Q Anon leaders, of the Church either accepting LGBTQ+ lifestyles and people; and/or women into the priesthood. In fact, just as I started this email, another Flynn/Vigano inspired Q post went up in which alongside telling its adherents to vote against Democrats in elections and end any protests by pro-choice activists (not to mention silencing minorities); the question to start on who Jane Roe was would lead adherents to sully the names and lives of people like Sarah Wedington and Norma McCorvey. Ms. McCorvey is, despite having died in 2017, being used as a target to denigrate people because of how she lived her life. And yes, they are also attempting to alter her history with respect to her conversion to Catholicism (but not traditionalist Catholicism) later in life. Easier to do that than understand the issue, as Sarah Wedington said and Norma McCorvey opined, was greater than the person named in the lawsuit. As I have said before, being pro-choice is indeed being pro-life. You understand why.

We are heading towards Gilead, which I have been saying for a few years now. We may be there already. The question though is, which Gilead? The Gilead of the historical record? The Gilead of the Dame Margaret Atwood novels? Or the Gilead of the Stephen King novels? The one where the world has moved on and desecrated itself? The one where apathy and failure reign. The one where the only change can come from outside sources. Let us face it: America failed. Now we need to deal with it and choose where we want to merge with. The neo medieval Catholic ages, or the Great Reset? I had thought we made the choice of the Great Reset 2 years ago. Now, it must be enforced for the betterment of this world. Because the next time the people will demand a Reset, it will not be because of a pandemic or racial strife or human rights. It will be because, I suppose, it is written.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.” - George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Best Wishes and Kindest Regards,

Robert Kelly

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The other angle to consider is that Flynn & co (QAnon) and his one religion big tent strategy is that they are targeting the Occultists/New Age/Theosophists and there is a connection to the Independent/Liberal Catholic church. This also supports Putin's goal of making Russia the new Byzantium (Third Rome). "Independent Catholicism may be considered part of the larger independent sacramental movement, in which clergy and laity of various faith traditions—including the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Anglican Communion and various non-Catholic Christian churches—have separated themselves from the institutions with which they previously identified. Within this movement, various independent churches have sprung from the Eastern Orthodox Church, but the members of these independent Eastern Orthodox groups most often self-identify as Independent or Autocephalous Orthodox and not as Independent Catholic." One of Jim's occultist trolls, Jason Miller a.k.a. QuacksAnonymous states on his Strategic Sorcery web site: "In 2005 I was consecrated Bishop in a line of Independant Catholicism and began a long relationship with St Cyprian eventually blossoming into the Black School course." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Catholicism

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This article was written in 1997: "One-World Church Expected This Year" It describes a lot of what we are seeing unfold.


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"HOW BELIEF IN MOSCOW AS ‘THE NEW ROME’ EXPLAINS KIRILL’S ASTONISHING DECLARATION THAT ‘RUSSIA HAS NEVER ATTACKED ANYONE" https://religiondispatches.org/how-belief-in-moscow-as-the-new-rome-explains-kirills-astonishing-declaration-that-russia-has-never-attacked-anyone/

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Moscow, third Rome (Russian: Москва — Третий Рим, romanized: Moskva — Tretiy Rim) is a theological and political concept asserting that Moscow is the successor of the Roman Empire, representing a "third Rome" in succession to the first Rome (Rome itself, capital of Ancient Rome) and the second Rome (Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow,_third_Rome

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Sing it with me... "Istanbul (not Constantinople)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo0X77OBJUg

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"Educated in Greece, Cyprian was appointed by Constantinople to be metropolitan of Kiev and Lithuania in 1375 and then of Moscow in 1381. In 1382 Cyprian was forced into exile by the prince of Moscow, Dmitry, who rejected all appointments made by Constantinople. Eight years later, following the succession of Dmitry’s son, Vasily I, Cyprian resumed his position....Cyprian introduced Byzantine liturgical reforms into the Russian Orthodox church: he replaced the old Russian format of prayer and chanting in the church, called the Rule of the Studion, with a new format, the Rule of Jerusalem, or of St. Savvas. He also introduced into Russia new versions of liturgical books that were then being used in Constantinople."


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Another of Jim's trolls (VVichelangelo/Maccabee) is a member of the occult group B.O.T.A. (Builders of the Adytum) which is a mystery school founded by Paul Foster Case. Mystery Schools specialize in teaching a variety of occult subjects including metaphysics, magick, alchemy, transformation, spiritual awakening, intuition, and energy healing. From Case's Wikipedia page:

Liberal Catholic Church

The Liberal Catholic Church was established in England in 1916 out of the failing Old Catholic missionary effort there. The Old Catholic bishop, Arnold Harris Matthew, had filled his clergy ranks with a number of English Theosophists and Golden Dawn Qabalists, all dedicated students of the 'Ageless Wisdom', which in Theosophy is held to underlie all the world's great religions including Christianity. When Matthew left the movement, he left a valid apostolic succession in the hands of men prepared to teach the Ageless Wisdom and mystical Christianity, and to offer valid Catholic sacraments to all and sundry, but especially to religious non-conformists."

"Case was ordained a priest by Bishop Charles Hampton in the Liberal Catholic Church in Ojai, California, in 1937, and served parishes throughout the southern California area." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Foster_Case

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Wow thank you. At first glance this is incredibly insightful. I will absorb.

But can you edit out your email from the post? For your own good. I have it.

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The email has been edited out, Jim.

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