Orwell had no idea what fascism would look like when it conquered the world. He envisioned big clunky cameras and tape recorders badly hidden everywhere. Did he envision pinhead video cameras and listening devices connected to invisible global networks of quantum computers bouncing off satellites and the moon itself. A network owned and operated by masters of the universe? No, he did not. Did those brilliant founding fathers, those pious men of property have a clue? Get outta here! Nostradamus? Give me a break! Even John the Revelator's imagination failed him. Like the Marines used to say back in the day, "Do not make Ms. Dymond say the f-word."

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Plus did those demi-gods, the founding fathers, have the slightest idea what an heavily armed twenty-million man march would look like? No, they did not. The Holy Constitution is a relic.

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This is the agenda: arm feral late adolescent males, a/k/a "cannon fodder", to make the public square, particularly the public school, too dangerous for women and children. What better way to get women back at home where they belong? The war against women is World War 0, and it will never end.

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