Jim how do I send you an image from whats app? I’ve copied it but can’t figure out how to send to this group? Technologically challenged but determined. And your article has been sent to cousins of all ages in Israel. Thank you 🙏

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I think your assessment is spot on.

"A genocidal imperialist Russian war criminal, a psychopathic American general, and the corrupt Prime Minister of Israel are pushing us towards an apocalypse."

Poor Jesus! All that "feed the hungry, shelter the poor", down the drain of corrupt ambition.

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I have no words ....

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It appears to me that Bibi wants to do away with the 2-state concept. He has already turned Gaza into an imitation of the Warsaw ghetto and now he has cut off food (and water?) to its residents. He doesn't seem to care if they live or die and it's beginning to look like he'd rather see them all dead. [Problem solved?]

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It’s also apparent that Netanyahu and Likud care nothing for the Israeli hostages in Gaza. When water, food, and power are cut off how many of those hostages will be given sustenance?

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Dictators are psychopaths who do not give a flying fuck about their people.

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