Complete validation.

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Typical MAGA wankers.

They can give it but they can’t take it… (oo-err Mrs!)

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Any legal threat should always be taken seriously. But, the letter you received looks amateurish. That last paragraph is ridiculous given that this is merely a demand letter. It's a desperate attempt to look relevant and intimidating. For me, at least, it's hard to take a lawyer seriously when their office is located next door to a pub.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

Congrats! What a badge of honor.

PS, I wouldn’t sweat too hard or really at all. There is practically 0% chance this makes it to the discovery phase. If it did, that would be an enormous opportunity to gain and expose valuable information.

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Already subscribed but sent a bit more for the battle. We got you.

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FFS you don't deserve this. I'm so sorry for your family, Jim. It's a lot to carry. And so unnecessary if our fkn law agencies would do their FKN jobs!

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Flynn belongs in prison.

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I think that notice is deserving of a full public ‘correction’ of the documented facts.


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Good Gad! Hang in there, friend Jim!

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