“conservative” is a euphemism for white nationalist traitor. Hyperbolic, but not far off at all, these days. I guess whether this will be true for CNN remains to be seen, but the indications, so far, are not good. Sure, Stetler is straight-up anti Trump, but since Jan. 6, at the latest, so is everyone whose not a simpleton or a seditionist/traitor, and so are any "conservative" voices worthy of being called conservative rather than "fascist" and/or "Trump cultist".

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Jim, do you have access to Caitlin Bassett at Yahoo, Laura Bassett at Jezebel or Oliver Darcy at CNN?

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Here’s a clip of Brian Stelter on Sunday, questioning (in a roundabout way) if reality is outdated:


My point is, even if Stelter had kept his show on CNN, he was being directed to push the alternate reality for viewers with RW psychosis.

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I agree with this, Spank Flaps. Brian Stetler can put a stop to this. And they have a great record with great names. Brian Stetler and I met in London. I don't know for sure there, but we both know what a great character Brian Stetler is. We played together on Good Omens, and we both loved playing together on Spanking, which are two pretty good friends from the New York area who just happen to be of great stature. At the end of the day, I think there's a lot to be said for a guy like that, man. He's a real gentleman and I would say he had a reputation for being on the smart side, being an honest guy. He's also really nice to go over to a couple different movies like Man and City that you like to go over, and I think he loves them all. I also think that he's been to a number of movies and his ability to deal with people in a real good way has certainly helped him to have a real good reputation as a person.

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I shared this. Mahalo

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I can’t believe you said exactly what I thought: Brian Steltzer is the only reason I watch CNN and every week I even record it.

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jezuz, as if Brian wasn't centrist enough. I'd tune in for Amanpour or Zakaria occasionally. Depending on their guests. But after Biden won and Afghanistan they went even nuttier. Was waaay too conservative already.

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Agreed. I was ticked off at CNN from all the airtime they gave to Santorum, etc. Occasionally I like to see what Fareed has to say, but beyond that, no thanks, CNN.

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Yeah, I still read him via email. CNN just seems to not be evolving. Painful to watch old boy networks die 😋

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