Look forward to SPLC releasing the rest of the water from the Jack Posobiec Pool Party.

“A Brit’s speech in an American election takes a Stalinist turn”

I mean really who lets Nigel Farage in the front door of the Alabama coast.

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I'm glad the feds got a hold of that 13.5 BTC that was sent to Nick Fuentes. I despise everything about crypto, its a Ponzi scheme based off the idea of anarcho-capitalism that is constantly being mutilated. And can be used for rather nefarious needs. I do think the executive order goes anywhere far enough.

Link to the Biden admins press release: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/09/fact-sheet-president-biden-to-sign-executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-innovation-in-digital-assets/

Southern poverty League Center on some of the fascist banking from crypto.


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