Jesum, he knows exactly what he is doing. Creating, and manipulating, and obstructing. He is creating plausible deniability. And I haven't even finished reading yet. Lordy, so many tapes.

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I think truly it is Mike Flynn who made an offer the illuminate couldn't refuse. And that was before he was promoted to DIA. They are creating plausible deniability and that is obstruction of justice, and they know it.

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I've never seen any of the qanon videos, but I sense this is along the same lines. It's meant to traumatize.

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Highly disturbing by design. I've seen quite a bit of this type of imagery in a college Psych course, but it's been awhile so thank you for the Content Warning.


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When it first started in 2013 or so, it is like I knew what they were doing with the trauma technique. It made me think back to eighth grade. I was is some kind of beta testing course. They called it higher level linguistics or something like that.

It was beta testing for Mac. I realized years later when I got my first Mac box. Mac was already in the mid late '70's beta testing - to not traumatize.

They were beta testing for emotional intelligence with trauma imagery and peripheral vision. They were doing it, testing for empathic/empathy. Mac was doing and did the beta testing not to traumatize to make sure when they added something that it did not traumatize on screen.

We knew how to do this the correct way. Jobs did it. Took the time to beta testing without traumatizing and making alphas. It, traumatizing, incrementally was able to start with changing the APA ethics.

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Linguistics has been one of the core disciplines of cognitive science since it's proposal by Noam Chomsky in the 1950s. I had no idea Mac had been testing to NOT traumatize during the 1970s. Extremely interesting to hear of this history LaNita Jones.

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Oh, as for me, Chomsky, not so much. One of his Phd students was my graduate advisor for my master thesis. No sorry I think her work was called, The Extraordinary Usage of Language.

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Hey Sunshine, I was just writing about the Sun and Moon and Planets on the other Substack. That is how I experienced it. Took a few years, throughout the years, to sink in that the class with only a handful of us was not a dream.

My mom was one of those that kept everything, so, sure enough, we got the stack of almost digitalized report cards for Junior High and there it was. Advanced Linguistics I think it was called.

I just assumed it was Mac. Maybe it was government beta testing and just came out later called Mac with an Apple. The interface way back then, I experienced as innately intuitive, familiar. Conscience, even, of not being counterintuitive in such an alienated platform for the brain to process.

These are my assessments, especially after I experienced and had a deer in headlights experience in 2010. I will always love my Mac.

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Fascinating. I noticed the Substack just now. Thanks.

(I will always love my Mac as well).

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I am mainly in my Sources and Methods until I can relearn longform again.

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Happy Halloween!

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