Wow. There's a reason this thread has attracted so much attention, the ops are trying it on in here, hard. Every single tactic is being employed to sow doubt and promote the idea that Ron, RON, might be Q.

I mean, you have to ask yourself who would benefit from that. There's more than one. And I KNOW you have a good idea who they are.

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

I haven’t followed you enough to know what you think of the connection between Cicada 3301 and Q.

Also, if you considered any connection between the other pizzagate-era anons like high level insider, senate anon, cia anon, etc who seemed to bridge the gap (but never really gain traction) between PG and Q?

Perhaps somewhere you have a detailed timeline that I am not aware of, and you could point me to.

To answer your question, I don’t believe Ron was solely behind Q but I am certain he and his grifter dad were counting on it to help set up his dad’s dream “news” outfit. I think that near the end, Ron was posting as Q, but that he had nothing to do with its inception.

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I think Watkins was more likely an employee of someone like Bannon. There were probably a few people with access to post, but they told Watkins to keep it going. The confusion that Q caused is Bannon's brand of chaos.

I don't pretend to know as much as others about the whole thing, but it seems most likely that whatever infrastructure existed on the website that influenced the 2016 campaign would have remained in place, evolved, and spread its reach to what we see now. There are probably some copycats, but I suspect the primary disinformation/psyop machine has existed for about ten years.

There is an article from the Rolling Stone in about 2011 that said the Defense Dept was using psyops on Congress persons, including McCain for budgetary reasons. (I'm not convinced it stopped with $) I've wondered what McCain specific issues with Russia might have been, and if this was a part of it.

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I think at some point he took over the account & was using it. I do not at all believe for a second it was his idea or that he was the person running it from the beginning or even the entire time after he was able to use it. So, no, I don’t think he is “Q.” I think he cosplayed.

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So? Qanon had its greatest growth in 2020 by most estimates as a result of the pandemic. If Ron is Q during its greatest growth, why does he not deserve any of the credit for it (he was likely in control of it in early 2018). Why does it have to be someone special to make it crawl out of the other LARPs in 4chan?

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No. And I didn't believe it was his father as some did before Ron implied he was Q on the documentary. They both posted on the account, but others were above them.

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Why are others above him? Jim / Ron had been living in Asia for 20 years, Jim founded and controlled 12 companies at one point in the Philippines. Do you know many serial Entrepreneurs who want "other people above them"?

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It's in your face

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No. He's just not that smart.

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I have no idea who started it but I think Watkins was involved (or aware). But now, I absolutely think Flynn has taken control of the people that believed it. From the moment he (and his whole family) did the Q pledge on camera it was a giveaway. He sees the power of Q, and he will fill the void Q left and control these idiots.

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He saw the money to be made off Q, remember that was at the height of the movement already. You knw we was secretly recorded by Lin calling members of QAnon "kooks and part of a leftist CIA plot". That's not distancing, that's debunking. Not exactly promotional for something he supposedly was this champion of.

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Mike Flynn is almost like the Vincent Fusca of Stewartson's group.

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No. I’m not sure who started Q, but I do believe Flynn and Co took it over

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Ron has the trip codes. Nobody can be Q without Ron's tacit approval. This is a technical fact. How does Flynn "take it over". Do you notice Flynn's writing style has no relation to the larp whatsoever? Ron's sure as hell does.

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Hi. Are you Cullen and desperately clinging to the idea that you identified Q?

Or is this someone pathetically stanning for Cullen's "research"? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Oh so you don't understand how trip codes operate and that Ron can change the system salt and whoever Q is, is gone forever. Just like that. Several techniques for him to obtain it too, without Ron actually slipping up and telling us. Where did I mention Cullen? Oh wait, your mind I guess is not that inquiring.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Disabused of the idea well before I’d stumble onto it.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

No. He is a “hanger round the fort.” Not at all smart enough. But definitely creepy enough to think he is.

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Absolutely not. He might have wrote some drops at the end, but not for most of it. Q was incredibly prolific at the beginning, and did lots of actual research to craft the story. The drops themselves were creative and engaging, even if the content was horrible. Not only that, the drop authors managed to create a psychologically addictive, and damaging game and a cult like community. Ron is neither hard working. competent, creative or psychologically savvy. He is basically a lazy shitposter with a sociopath but rich dad who bought him a message board to play with. He is however a very good lier, which is why I think he was able to convince Cullen he was Q.

As to it being a LARP or a psyop or something else, it certainly took a lot of LARP conventions, but it is completely unrealistic to think that some guy in his mothers basement had that level of commitment to research, write, storyboard and manage the posts, which were pretty well story boarded in order to make a non-linear narrative that was interesting when dropped as crumbs. This was someone or a group of people from the creative community with a lot of detailed understanding of the world of conspiracy theories and actual somewhat technical political current events, like the Nunes memo, not your average pol user.

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Another thing that stands out is their political motives. They seem to be acting like a keeper for Trump, making even his stupidest moments seem brilliant (like spelling mistakes) through encouragement of magical thinking and an almost religious faith in him. That is a good mobilization strategy. Perhaps stranger is their support of Flynn and Jeff Sessions, both of whom had very few defenders at the time, not even Trump. It's also noteworthy that they are both CNP associates, as is Betsy Devos, who is not in any way a cult MAGA or far right figure you would expect to show up on a Chan.

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In my opinion it started out as a political op take away support for impeachment in case things hit the fan with Mueller, and get Trump supporters behind Flynn and Sessions. Given that Flynn is such a big beneficiary, and he was involved in the op to promote Pizzagate and Seth Rich, we have every reason to believe he was involved in the operation, if not leading it.

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As for whether it is a psyop, if it wasn't in 2017, Flynn turned it into one in 2020. We don't even have to agree on whether Flynn was leading Q behind the screen or not, because we have ample evidence of what he did in front of it. He was so successful in redpilling and weaponizing the militia community that Stewart Rhodes and many other Jan 6 rioters were convinced that Trump was going to declare martial law and round up and hang congress. Rhodes was always a conspiracy theorist but that is a very Q specific mythology. His lawyer, Kellye Sorelle is redpilled, even if she is currently at war with Flynn, who she thinks was actually a double agent for the deep state.

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You don't even have to believe Flynn was running Q to acknowledge he is currently psyoping American conservatives in very classic textbook form. Having him in charge of Q does however have a high amount of explanatory power that the Ron Watkins/ any other pol shitposter LARP doesn't. It is honestly in my opinion the least supported theory from the evidence, based on Cullen's observations of pens and a very unconvincing faux confession from someone who had been changing his story the entire series. I'm not trying to put down Cullen. He seems to be a decent documentary, but I think he fell for confirmation bias when he started to focus on Ron.

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So you know nobody can be Q without Ron's explicit control and permission. This is a technical certainty. That raises him considerably in the ranks beyond Cullen's series. But more to the point, Lin secretly recorded Flynn calling Qanon "a bunch of kooks, part of a lefty CIA plot". That's not deflection, that's outright dismissal. Furthermore, why did Q stop almost same day Ron quit, hmm? And why would Flynn stop JUST at the point he is in the WH, trying to convince TFG to go all in martial law and declare the insurrection act? At his highest level of treason, he just quits using this great control tool? Come on.

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I don’t believe your assertion of technical certainty is correct. Tripcodes can be captured. In fact, the whole premise in the HBO documentary rested on the idea that the original tripcode was collected & used by Watkins in the first place. You may be chalking that up to global admin rights, but it’s my understanding that the original password was so weak it was easily captured. I also don’t believe that just because Watkins would know if that was used & perhaps can even block it &/or has likely used it himself, that doesn’t mean he was doing thing on his own for grins. It’s a very simplistic, minimizing & dismissive position you’ve taken here, w/ no citation of your absolute technical certainty argument.

Many people here likely know how to do exactly what you say can’t be done. So…

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So a few thoughts. First, nobody could be on 8chan without his explicit control and permission. That doesn’t mean every anon on 8chan is Ron. Second, I and pretty much everyone else from this perspective acknowledges that Ron was at least in contact with and collaborating with Q. Third, If Flynn was running Q he would know it is bullshit, and would likely think his followers were cooks. Predators always dehumanize their pray. He wrongly thought that Lin was another incredulous grifter like him, who he could have a good laugh with, but it turned out he was a truly pilled credulous grifter.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I believe he (Watkins)started it and it got out of control and taken over by Flynn. Or Steve Bannon who is also very dangerous

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Ron has access to all the trip codes, and the means to control who was Q as site admin. This cannot be disputed as it is technical fact. How do you take it over from Ron then?

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I don’t. Flynn is Q.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I think Flynn is Q. I have for a long time.

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If Flynn is Q, why wasn't Q ever right about anything?

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Flynn is not “Q.” No one is Q. It’s a LARP. Flynn directed it from the beginning however. I have no idea if Flynn ever wrote a drop himself although I know about 20 others who did. It was always run by trolls and operatives associated with him but not by Flynn himself.

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You can't back any of your assertions up, and you've never been able to back any of it up. Shut me up right now and prove anything you're saying.

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Ron has more direct involvement with the Q account than Mike Flynn does (which is zero as Flynn has no involvement). The original 8chan Q (not to be confused with the 4chan Q) either lost the trip or lost interest and then Ron or Jim picked it up and started spoofing the trip. Then after Trump lost, they got bored and wanted to build their personal brands and stopped posting as well.

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Q was wrong about everything. Why would Flynn create an OP or even take one over, and then be wrong about everything? It's amateurish. Either Flynn is a mastermind, or Flynn is an idiot. Flynn could have gotten a lot more support for Q and it could have gone mainstream if he had ever been right about anything. Why wouldn't he take that opportunity? Because it wasn't him. It was a bunch of morons.

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It was run by morons on purpose. These people were either ideologically or financially incentivized to push this psyop. Flynn didn’t get his hands dirty because he was under indictment for talking to the Russians. In the meantime his family was on Patriots Soapbox throughout 2018. Flynn set up his defense fund in Sept 2017. The narrative you are reciting is created by people who are trying to conceal real forces behind QAnon and the real purpose of it.

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

Flynn put morons in charge of an op so important that he was betting his financial future on its success? Jim.

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You have a touching (and really weird) faith in the intellect and judgment of people who choose or are forced to circle around Trump. That's rich.

Anyway, re: all that, stay tuned. It's nearly showtime ...

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I think Q is a consortium of bad actors and Ron and Jim Watkins are members of the board of directors. Mike Flynn and Steve Bannon are likely on the creative side.

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You do know that Steve Bannon can't stand Mike Flynn? Thinks he's a moron. Go check how many times Flynn has been on Bannon's show. Everyone goes on Bannon's show. Why do you need a board of directors to shitpost on the internet a few times a day?

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You know that people who hate each other often work together for a variety of reasons and can still produce results? Or that Flynn worked for Cambridge Analitica? Or that they both work for CNP aligned organizations, and are huge Russia fans? Or have similar ultra-nationalist theocratic ideologies? John and Paul produced the goddamn White Album while hating each other.

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You probably don’t need to know much to be a shitposter, but leading a cult which tried to overturn democracy takes a special skill set that incels and their creepy pornographer con artist dad’s don’t have.

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One example illustrating how Bannon is willing to work with people he considers fuckups is Trump. Bannon has called Trump senile and unpatriotic, and has said he has no fucking idea what he is doing. In spite of this, Bannon worked very hard to overturn an election on his behalf.

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Thanks for proving my point again. If Bannon was "working" with Flynn he would be promoting him on his show, which he has done countless times with Giuliani while Bannon rolls his eyeballs in complete condescension throughout the entire show. It's great to watch. Anyways, let us know when you get that Bannon - Flynn big connection mmmm'K? Or do you just wish it to be true and therefore it is....

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Man you really walked into this one. I was at the point of ignoring this never ending Gish gallop, but you made it to easy: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/08/19/giuliani-bannon-flynn-lindell-pushed-pro-trump-election-lies-at-guo-wengui-party.html

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I really wish it wasn’t true. It’s a grimy shitty reality that fascists are working together to end democracy. Better to accept it and deal with it than pretend that they aren’t dangerous and organized. If you don’t want to be part of the solution fine. Just go do your thing. You don’t need to do it here. And don’t say I am trying to sensor you. You are just a tremendous distraction. Any actual help moving the ball is welcome, if it provides actionable info, so if you want to be here please go get some rather than just trying to derail any progress. Until you do, you have no right to be taken seriously.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I always did but now I wonder if maybe it’s been Flynn and /or Steve Bannon

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I’m not sure now. I’ve watched some of the documentaries on Q and felt like it was Watkins but now I believe Flynn and Bannon are the ones taken over. Who knows it could be them/him from the beginning. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Bannon or Flynn. I feel like it has been multiple people over the course of the few years. It’s dangerous!!!

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

The first Q was a LARPer, people on 4chan knew that, but when the drops got routed to different platforms people weren't aware anymore anymore and started falling for it .At some point the account got taken over and Ron had at the very least control of what was posted under the Q trip code and at the most doing posting himself. Writing analysis also shows there's only 2 distinct people writing them, swichting as Q moved boards. Flynn only hatched onto it when he became aware of the influence it was having and so he started grifting off of it, since he also was down 5 million in legal costs, and using it to his advantage to do his treason shit.

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I've seen that writing analysis you mention. Seems like a good clue.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I also think that it only morphed into the likeness of a psyop, that only became what it became through a perfect storm of circumstances. It was for sure not a psyop from the start, people only started using it as one once it gained traction and they saw the political advantage it could give them.

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

Lots of opportunists in the water around the whole business of Q. To me, this is the most likely explanation.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

That’s what I think.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

The Digital Soldiers trademark from 2016 is interesting, but he said that after all the meming that got Trump into office, which was obvious for him to see. I don't think he would have had enough understanding of internet culture to run such a thing from the start.

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Flynn didn’t need to understand internet culture though. He had his son, Posobiec and a variety of other neo-nazi trolls in MAGA3X who did. Flynn knew how to radicalize people and how to weaponize them from 30 years of training to do exactly that. And yes, it was an intentional psyop, starting with Pizzagate. It was active measures using Russian-style antisemitic propaganda designed to change people’s perception if not their entire reality. It worked great in 2016. Why on earth do you think they wouldn’t try to replicate it?

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I know from you there was a not yet fully realized goldmine that started at GamerGate. It afforded a view to the future, weaponizing online incels. misogynists and disgruntled men to attack women and anyone that supports them.

The fury cultivated was a tool that could be weaponized, for other purposes. Hence the red-pill movement. That was carried over, craftily, to another imagined enemy that didn't exist, except in the minds of those who feel emasculated and were susceptible to a promise of their power being reinstated. Trumpism.

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Isn't that the son you just called "weak-minded"? in StewDrop #45?

You sound as bad as the folks screeching about how Antifa is a bunch of limp wristed terrorists that are incredibly dangerous threats.

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Fuck off KassandraSeven. Go troll yourself.

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I'm not KassandaSeven, nor do I have anything to do with her.

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If you were Kassandra, how would you troll yourself?

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Agreed, you reminded me much more of Mike Rothschild. Mike, I know you are reading this. This is a complement. You are a better writer than her.

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Regardless, if you’re Kassandraseven or not (hi Kassandra, I know you’re reading this), there is something deeply problematic about the constant obsession with not only Jim, but anyone who even mildly appreciates his content.

For a “resistance” person — that is what her account was, where are tweets about voting rights, policy, helping elect more Dems in congress? It’s the midterm after all.

Weird, last time I checked, hyper focusing on one person isn’t going to add a goddamn thing to anything positive in the country.

90k followers and this is how she chooses to use her platform.

To you, Kassandraseven, are you aware of the GOP-led state legislation happening in states with a GOP-led state leg? Michigan is one? The horrendous voter suppression? Or GA, TX etc?

Maybe tweet about that.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I’ve always thought it was Flynn, esp after hearing him say they have an army of digital soldiers.

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So what? Flynn was a known commodity, and especially liked on the right. The original Q larper knew his way around right wing circles and media. So is it not surprising we would take rw tropes that he liked? It just means an army of meme posters, and in 2016 TFG certainly did have that. Flynn also said to Lin "Qanon are a bunch of kooks, a lefty CIA plot" while secretly recorded by Lin. If you just take what Flynn says, he actually says more anti-Q stuff than pro Q-stuff.. Why is that if you are promoting something.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I think it’s Flynn

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I feel like it's been multiple people and that he's one of them

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