The apeshittery around the death of Queen Elizabeth has only just begun. The frenzy of conspiracy theories on Telegram is astounding. FWIW, the Russians want you to think the real Queen is Diana now.
Anyway, I’ve learned a lot about Elizabeth. She has been a formidable force for stability and good. She made a vow as a young woman and stuck to it. She “protected the Crown” and kept Great Britain together after WWII.
Elizabeth did her job — well. She should be admired. But now England and Charles need to do the right thing and modernize the British system. The idea of a familial monarchy is more than outdated, it’s offensive, regardless of the actual power it wields.
England got extremely lucky that Elizabeth was who she was. But that’s just it. Luck.
The British Monarch leads 15 nations, whose populations should not rely on an accident of birth or succession to determine their fate. Barron for President, anyone?
Moreover, there is a strain of monarchical neo-reactionary “thought” that has poisoned a bunch of psychopathic “libertarian” billionaires with ideology from propagandists like Curtis Yarvin aka “Mencius Moldbug” who helped brainfuck Peter Thiel, Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk and a bunch of other Silicon Valley nerds.
The truth is they just want an excuse to let their malignant narcissism run free over the rest of the world permanently. We should not cooperate with them by humoring this ancient monarchy silliness. No one needs castles and crowns and shit anymore. We have Game of Thrones for that now.
Whole-heartedly agree. Monarchy is an idea from a stupider time, when it was taught and believed that some humans are inherently better than others and this nobility was passed on in their bloodlines. This is wrong, stupid and just an excuse for some people to exploit others and for them to like it .
I really don't want to say this on Twitter today due to the "It's too early" people. But while I'll give them the "Elizabeth was great" (not really), it's time to be done with the monarchy. I mean, because your blood/DNA is whatever whatever, you should rule a kingdom? Please. We're far past this... #PowerToThePeople!