Whole-heartedly agree. Monarchy is an idea from a stupider time, when it was taught and believed that some humans are inherently better than others and this nobility was passed on in their bloodlines. This is wrong, stupid and just an excuse for some people to exploit others and for them to like it .

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I really don't want to say this on Twitter today due to the "It's too early" people. But while I'll give them the "Elizabeth was great" (not really), it's time to be done with the monarchy. I mean, because your blood/DNA is whatever whatever, you should rule a kingdom? Please. We're far past this... #PowerToThePeople!

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Relatively speaking she was an agent on the right side.

However she still stood for and perpetuated undue privilege and the suppression of the poor.

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If people aren't familiar, "Geeks for Monarchy: Rise of the Neoreactionaries" gives more info about Curtis Yarvin and his pals "Perhaps the one thing uniting all neoreactionaries is a critique of modernity that centers on opposition to democracy in all its forms. Many are former libertarians who decided that freedom and democracy were incompatible...Exactly what sort of monarchy they’d prefer varies. Some want something closer to theocracy, while Yarvin proposes turning nation states into corporations with the king as chief executive officer and the aristocracy as shareholders." Essentially Neo-Feudalism. https://techcrunch.com/2013/11/22/geeks-for-monarchy/

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

This one goes out to the Russian Emperor. It's a little ditty I wrote for Pooty. The Queen helped him launder his bloody money offshore in her peculiar possession Jersey so, not a huge fan of her either...

Down with the Crown


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Growing up in Australia, I used to think that the Queen was just a figurehead. Purely for decoration, I thought.

Then came November, 1975, when the Governor-General, as the Queen’s representative, sacked the elected government, installed the (conservative) opposition as a caretaker government, and called a new election.

Fuck royalty.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Back in the 80s I used to share tradeshow expenses with an English friend living in Pennsylvania. I once asked her how she felt about Charles. "Lord, he's hopeless," she said. "He aspires to be a tampon."

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And that’s probably true.

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It is true. His phone was tapped when he told Camilla he wanted to live in her vagina. It was a major scandal.

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Ah, you’re right. I remember that now.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

For a counterpoint, head on to Stuart Syvret’s timeline! 😬

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Stuart Syvret is a genuine hero, like you. Jim. Syvret is in US because he feared for his life on Jersey. The Jersey story is key to understanding the worldwide corruption we are seeing today and its threat to democracies. Money laundering through off shore tax havens is at the center of it all. Syvrets's first interview in the US, by journalist Leah McGrath, was recently released and is on Syvret's timeline.

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Wow. He mad. 😂

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He’s... not holding back.

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All the more reason to get rid of powdered wigs and castles.

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A fucking baronet lives in a freaking castle in my little town. And there are still Bourbons in a town nearby. They are like ticks, hard to get rid of.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson


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deletedSep 8, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson
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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Our constitutional "democracy" isn't doing any better with global security as it teeters on its last legs before falling into Christofascism.

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