Flynn and Russia: The Enormous Blind Spot in the Press
The media has been conditioned to ignore what is in front of their faces
TW: Cussing
So Giuliani is all over the media because he’s getting indicted for Big Lie propaganda and illegal influence on the Georgia elections. Good!
But what else do we know about Giuliani? He’s a fucking Russian asset and has been for decades. Seriously, google “Giuliani Russia”.
Remember that Giuliani is the one who tried to ratfuck and corrupt Zelenskyy into supporting Trump’s attempt to use Ukrainian propaganda to create dirt on Joe Biden? That whole impeachment thing?
What else do we know about Giuliani? He and Mike Flynn have been working closely together for years. In three weeks they’re going to be doing this vile 9/11 grift together despite Flynn trying to sell fucking nuclear secrets to the Saudis, who funded 9/11:
“Trump-allied lawyers?”
Yes, they were ostensibly working for Trump, but who was directing them? Russian asset Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn.
Why does no one point out that Sidney Powell was Flynn’s lawyer who cooperated with Bill Barr to spring Flynn from his dual guilty pleas for lying about his communications with the Russian government right before he was pardoned by Russian asset Donald J. Trump? These dots are not difficult to connect, people.
Then we have the revelations about Trump holding onto nuclear secrets at his trashy motel. A “mole” informed the FBI about them and the person overseeing it all from Mar-a-lago? Mike Flynn’s other former lawyer, Russian asset Christina Bobb. #Bobbski
The problem is that a whole bunch of media has been either gaslit or influenced to ignore Flynn because he’s “crazy” or a “grifter.”
And they have been conditioned for years to be terrified of any story mentioning “Russia.”
Yes, Flynn is a psychopath who has been sucking money out of the pockets of American citizens to fund his psychological war on the US Government since 2015.
In fact he created QAnon to fill his “defense fund” which he used to hire who?
Sidney Fucking Powell.
BUT, Flynn is not insane. He is simply the enemy.
And right now, as we ignore him, he’s plotting to use terrorism to destroy the 2022 elections.
Flynn organized the entire operation in 2020-1 to illegally keep Donald Trump in power, including and especially the insurrection, and he’s trying to execute another coup in the mid-terms.
We keep ignoring him and his master Vladimir Putin at our own peril.
Media, take your blinders off and get to the root. Including you Rachel.
For god’s sake, #ArrestMikeFlynn
When i want to read this in gmail, gmail has a problem. This has never happened to my gmail before
Genocidal Giuliani pushed those pain pills.