Welp, as painful as it is to see Twitter shrivel and get corrupted, it is somewhat delicious to watch it lose value so quickly.

Elon and team intended to have this massive pysop with the release of the “Twitter files.” But thats getting a very cold reception and meanwhile the performance being played out in front of everyone is decidedly NOT Elon owning the left and looking dope doing it.

Its Elon looking like a moron as he tanks Twitter and raves lunacy, while his Tesla stock also suffers from his antics.

With any luck the pysop will totally backfire.

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Just more validation that jumping the twitter ship was the right move. Getting over it.

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WTAF? I bet the QAnon faithful will take this reinstatement as a sign and probably (rightly perhaps) taking Flynn's repudiation of QAnon as a ruse.

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Jim, how i can i best amplify your message? I am still on twitter. Alexander

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F elon, F flynn.

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What other choice does Q-Elon have but to bring Mike Flynn back? He is losing (so is Flynn) that these sorts of moves despite the connections establish how desperate the Pay Pal Mafia is.

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