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What action do you recommend that regular folk take? I don't see those recommendations here.

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I naively thought the DNC mapped the strategic plan. To that end, they should aggressively identify where democracy soldiers can best use resources. It’s all so random. The fascists hv a 100 year old plan and hv never wavered. I’m retired, my daughter cd take off work. Where would our efforts be best spent? If we retain the majorities, we must get Ds to work a plan every minute of every day

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Best one yet. Putting it all together in a global perspective makes it even more scary.

The silent majority must be swayed into action but how? The mass media is controlled by the Christo Fascist Billionaires.

We see the danger, we cry wolf but what is the strategy to counter the threat? I feel powerless and desperate.

Can this CFWellman help?

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Nice one Jim.

RANT: If the Dems are to win the midterms we must all get off our asses and organize our communities make sure likeminded friends and their friends etc... are registered to vote make plans to car pool to the poles. Because the DNC messaging is absolute shit. Their whole "They go low, we go high." ideology doesn't work in if your opponent (the RNC) is playing a game with no rules. One can only go so high but the Right-wing abyss is a bottomless chasm.

The DNC needs to message as the RNC does, use fear. I normally frown one such political techniques but fear is more then justified at this moment in time. The Dems need to stop falling into the Rights culture wars trap, by countering it with elegance; but instead call it what it is; bullshit distractions thought up by think tanks and run through focus groups to see what shit sticks on the walls of the uneducated reactionary minds of their base.

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Exactly Dale. This isn’t the typical election. These are tricky times that can possibly lead to catastrophe for Democracy. This is a long term game. I agree with your dislike of Republicans political techniques, however certain situations in life call for people to step out of their “politeness”, their “self-righteousness”. Doing so does not mean you have to become a raving lunatic. But Republicans are fighting beyond dirty and they are going all out with this shit.

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Great article and a call to action that won't coalesce due to the useless geriatrics in Democratic Party leadership, like Pelosi, Biden and Schumer, all living in the past and hoping their "prayers" will institute a miracle of compelling those peaceful hands across the aisle to start to be offered from our Republican friends and colleagues to start doing the right thing to save our elections and democracy. Democrats in Washington are all too worried about keeping their cushy jobs than fighting fascists and we will all pay the price of their laziness. The old geriatric guard refuse to see that the only thing in those hands across the aisle are loaded guns ready for insurrection Part 2 that is now far into its planning stage. Since the only people in this country that would benefit from a real democracy are working class people, we are doomed by the fact none of the billionaires that control the media and levers of government see any benefit in those menial "losers", in their eyes, having any power so they will continue to make the 30% of the country that is white nationalist believe they have their support until the time they become the next group to be contained and financially exploited. We can't wake up America when the billionaire set and their allies have control of media and federal and local governments.

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A long time ago I remember reading a quote from a politician (John Mitchell, according to Google) that said something along the lines of "This country is going so far to the right you won't recognize it." It sent a chill up my spine at the time. Now we are here. You are so right, Jim. Fascists, particularly of the theocratic variety, cannot be appeased. At this stage, defeating them is going to be a very long, painful struggle. I doubt I will live long enough to see the outcome, and that may be a blessing. I am torn between my natural non-violent nature and the hard reality of the present.

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Jim, thank you for your excellent reporting and writing and continued focus on the fascist group orchestrating this ugly, brutal war against us all.

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