The missiles of October

Greetings Jim:

The United States, and therefore the world, has an obligation to go on the offensive against the culprits of the Ukrainian annexation. Unfortunately, an unwillingness to admit past foibles has allowed for Vladimir Putin to become this defiant. This happened before, in different circumstances. During the eras of the Soviet Union under Stalin and Khrushchev, analyses and diplomatic matters pertaining to the US and Soviet Russia were met usually with the USSR’s representatives ending a conversation and/or negotiation by saying “and in America, you lynch blacks.” This was, of course, in an era prior to an expansion of civil and human rights demonstrations.

Last Friday, a speech was made by Putin that was at times deranged and derogatory. It was also a declaration of war, by nuclear weaponry if prompted. The genius of the speech, if one were to call it genius, was in speaking certain truths that sound refreshing to the ears of people who have issues with current and past governments. I have not the need to go over each claim and the truth on those claims. You may know this already, but what Putin and his coterie have done is the 2022 version of “and in America, you lynch blacks.” Yet these are not usual times, and Russia is willing to use their nuclear weapons. Visually, I see a person and his handlers devoid of life. Willing to take at least half the world population into the same false dichotomy. Only now, it is a population just as nihilistic and vengeful as Putin is. I am gravely concerned that we will wake up one day to see Ukraine felted with at least one nuclear weapon. Once that happens, it is the eventual end of humanity.

It is now October, and this month will mark the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. We are as close to nuclear conflagration than we have been since 1962. It is time; indeed, it is past time, that we soberly let people be aware of what may occur and what mitigation efforts might be needed to potentially survive a nuclear attack. An updated Protect and Survive might suffice, or even a nationwide look at the ads NYC were creating recently. Sadly, I am serious about this idea. It was similar though at the time classified visual aids that prompted nations in the early 1980s to stop the idea about winning nuclear wars. Then, it was the US that needed convincing. It might still need convincing; although the onus to pull back will have to be on Russia, and specifically on Putin. Barring that, there is little alternative but to force an end to this 23-year regime. Otherwise, we are all dead.

Nuclear weapons are like a rifle hanging on the wall in a play. We did not write the play; we are not staging it and we do not know what the author intends. Anyone could take the rifle from the wall at any time. - Mikhail Gorbachev

Best Wishes and Kindest Regards,

Robert Kelly

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

We need a Psychological Warfare Defense Department and we need to make Steven Hassan's BITE Model law.

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Volodomyr Demchenko? (Taking a guess)- also, there are elections in Brazil... and does the pope realize he’s being a useful idiot?

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Putin controls trillions and infected everything. Every sphere of influence, that's why his military is broke as fuck. He spent all his money on political parties, Brexit, media outlets, social media, cults, etc...

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