
Maybe we need to get out in the streets and demand justice. Massive protests at the Whitehouse and other state capitols are needed. President Biden must act. Wray should have been fired on day 1 and Garland needs to go, now. No special prosecutor to further delay this prosecutorial debacle. Garland needs to do his job or resign...or be fired.

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White men don't like to prosecute other white men.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I was just remembering how everyone was like, why isn't Garland doing anything?! And then in the late summer, including here, people were like, finally! And now we find ourselves back to what is he doing?!

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Complacency is complicity.

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Unpopular opinion: NYT is really unreliable on justice issues and has been chronically wrong when relying on confidential sources. I don’t think it’s deliberate subterfuge. They are just pressured for clickbait headlines by their editors, so they rely on people who have questionable access. Not as bad as Maggie’s Trump stuff but they still have a good track record for being wrong or misleading.

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Running out the clock. Just as Sarah Kendzior and others predicted. I hope things will change. But I doubt it. The fact that Wray is still running the FBI and DeJoy is still running the postal service--inexcusable. Should have been a purge of ALL Trump appointees on Day 1. Sad.

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