Ginni Thomas’s Former Cult Lifespring Was Active Measures
Part I: Lt. Gen. Danny Graham was Mike Flynn 1.0
Gratitude to my research partner #KAnon for her incredible work on this.
Ginni Thomas
Ginni Thomas has been in the news recently for good reason. Married to a Supreme Court Justice, she blatantly committed Seditious Conspiracy leading up to the insurrection, and continues to plot against the US Government now — with the full cooperation of her husband. But why?
Ginni Thomas was in a “self-actualization” cult called Lifespring in the 1980s. (Note: Dr. Hassan corrected the date on this. It was recorded in 1986.)

But Lifespring is not just a mind-control cult in the guise of self-help, it’s a rabbithole into an operation aimed at undermining American democracy that closely parallels what we’re seeing today. At the center of it was a Lt. General connected to numerous cults and propagandists, who was seemingly in the employ of the Soviet Union and did everything he could to benefit them.
Danny Graham was Flynn 1.0
The parallels between Lt. General Daniel O. Graham, who died in 1995, and Lt. General Michael T. Flynn are astounding. The goals, strategy, tactics, venue and even many of the same individuals involved in both men’s anti-American operations are the same.
Like Mike Flynn, Danny Graham:
Was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Was an unofficial advisor to a compromised Republican president. (Graham was part of Reagan’s “Kitchen Cabinet.”)
Wanted to ”decouple” from Europe in order to allow Russian (Soviet) expansionism
Was connected to fascist “I AM” cult Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT)
Was connected to anti-American operative John “Jack“ Singlaub, former Director of the OSS and a founder of the CIA. (Pictured below with Joe, Mike, and Charles Flynn with QAnon lawyer Sidney Powell in October 2020.)
Was connected to Council for National Policy (CNP)
Was connected to the Moonies.
Was connected to extremist neo-Crusaders Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta (SMOM), an official arm of the Catholic Church.
Was connected to Ollie North who escaped major repercussions of his involvement in Iran-Contra through a cover up by then-AG Bill Barr — who also set Mike Flynn free after Flynn hired Sidney Powell as AG for Trump.
This was tweeted three months before the insurrection. Charles Flynn (arrow) has command of 90,000 troops that are on high alert for Chinese aggression. He took overt action to prevent the National Guard from interrupting Mike Flynn’s plan at the Capitol. He has his arm around one of the most prolific and subversive operatives of the 20th century, Jack Singlaub.
To Charles’s left is his and Mike’s brother Joe, a combo troll, fixer and mafia lieutenant for Mike’s cult.

Here’s Mike Flynn with Oliver North about a year ago. For extra treason throw in Erik Prince propagandist Lara Logan, and inept Russian spy Carter Page.
I caught Mike Flynn leading a Christian church in an occult prayer by CUT in September 2021.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Mike Flynn reciting the same CUT prayer — March 1984 / September 2021
We interviewed Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s son on this episode of my podcast.
Radicalized Pod Episode with Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s son and cult expert Joe Szimhart explaining Flynn’s CUT prayer
Lt. Gen. Danny Graham was also “Founder and Director of High Frontier.”
Star Wars
High Frontier, Inc. is an organization started in the early 1980s to promote the Strategic Defense Initiative also known as “Star Wars” which was a space-based missile defense system concept used as propaganda by Reagan during the Cold War.
Lt. Gen. Danny Graham was the founder of High Frontier. Gene Vosseler was Graham’s “senior advisor” — and an ordained minister in CUT. Here’s is what cult leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the trans-dimensional being she claims she channels, “Saint Germain,” blurbed on Gene’s book covers:
“Gene has done what everybody would like to do. He has taken Saint Germain's message to the airwaves, he has taken it on television, and he has taken it to the newspapers." -Elizabeth Clare Prophet
"We commend our representative Reverend Gene Vosseler and his beloved wife, Wanda for their great service to us and to America...What they have done, you can join them and do also." -Saint Germain
Elizabeth Clare Prophet also used SDI / Star Wars as propaganda, but she used it on her cult to scare them and motivate them to build her a nuclear fallout shelter.
Former KKK Grand Wizard Richard Shoff was a financial supporter of High Frontier and CUT, and a Board Member of the CNP. Danny Graham was a member of the CNP as well.
Mike Flynn runs a CNP front group called “America’s Future” which is a kind of “brother” organization to Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum. Schlafly was a vicious anti-women’s rights organizer, a Dame of Malta in SMOM, and a founder of the CNP.
America’s Future’s founder was Jack Singlaub, dear friend of the Flynn family (see above photo) who died in January 2022 at 100 years old.
Among other white nationalist groups, Singlaub founded “Western Goals” which was a “private intelligence dissemination network” connected to the Knights of Malta and the World Anti-Communist League. Western Goals was shut down for participating in Iran-Contra in 1986.
Importantly, Bill Barr, as George Bush Sr.’s Attorney General covered up for Iran-Contra. Ollie North fell on his sword for Reagan. And nothing was done.
In 2019, Barr continued this tradition by succeeding in covering up for Donald Trump’s crimes in the 2016 election by suppressing and mischaracterizing the Mueller Report, and by getting Mike Flynn out of his plea agreement connected to his lying to the FBI about his communications with the Russian government.
When Singlaub faded a few years ago, Mike Flynn took over America’s Future as Chairman and has used it to fund millions of dollars of fraudits and propaganda for the Big Lie, despite its supposed “non-profit” status.
On America’s Future’s Board with Flynn are Russian propagandist and former “Q” LARP operator Tracy Diaz, Mike Flynn’s brother Joe Flynn, who serves as Mike’s mafia fixer, and Lara Logan. Singlaub remained on the Board until he died.
It appears at some point, Singlaub identified Mike Flynn as the successor to Danny Graham. I’m sure he was very proud of his handiwork.
Part II: Lifespring and the Russians — coming soon.
This story gets crazier.
True story: when I went to the U of Oregon in the late 80s I catalogued the personal papers collection of a guy named Robert LeFevre. I probably know more about him than most of the people on the planet. Should have taken him and the movements of which he was a part more seriously (at the time, I didn’t).
Okay, now I really think I’ve woken up in crazyland (aka hellscape, ‘oh fuq’).