Your grief is real. The trauma you’ve been through is real. You are not crazy or alone.
The organized psychological assault on America by Putin-allied traitors that began in 2016 has been wildly successful. The election of Donald Trump was the greatest political crime in American history — a cold-blooded murder of democracy that we all watched in horror.
For four years, we saw everything we believed about the American dream, about humanity itself, be mocked, trashed and desecrated. Cruelty and trauma were the new normal. Racism, xenophobia and misogyny became “great again.”
Hundreds of thousands of Americans were murdered for “strategy” while Mike Lindell sold quack COVID cures from the White House Briefing Room. The “response” to COVID was an atrocity, a genocidal crime by a chaos administration trying to inflict as much pain and death as possible.
For anyone not captured by the cult being led from the White House, the Trump administration was literally psychological torture, as intended. Our hearts and minds were being infiltrated and attacked by psyops, propaganda and chaos operations enabled by the US Government. Tens of millions of our loved ones were stolen from us in the process.
QAnon and its progeny are weapons of mass psychological destruction that have carved a bloody wound into the American psyche. Those of us not captured by these military-grade Russian psyops are brutalized as we watch our fellow citizens, and often our own family and friends, be altered and transformed into hateful fascists.
There is a genocidal death cult led by American traitors — tens of millions strong — being radicalized to murder the rest of us. We are at the edge of the abyss, of a new Holocaust.
You are not imagining things. You have been through a lot. You deserve to be able to grieve and have the time to process this loss.
The psychological impact of this campaign to traumatize Americans can’t be overstated. At some level, all of us are experiencing PTSD — while we continue to be traumatized by the insurgency, made up of our own neighbors, attempting to steal another election and deal a death blow to democracy.
For those of us who have waded into the front lines of this battle voluntarily — to test, expose and counteract the threat — I can tell you the enemy’s capacity for cruelty, to inflict mental pain and anguish, is infinite. There is no limit to what they will do or say. They believe anything they do is justified because they are fighting a war — a war that only one side is fighting.
The feeling of powerlessness and anxiety wrought by this undeclared and undefended psychological war is paralyzing to many of us who need to retreat and ignore what’s happening around us. This is, to say the least, understandable. But it is also what the enemy wants. They want you to feel helpless and hopeless, to give up.
The midterm elections, regardless of the outcome, are going to be a stress test of our democracy, but they are also going to be a stress test on us. We are the target, and social media is the weapon. Musk’s purchase of Twitter and his behavior as its autocrat confirms everything we feared. Twitter is literally enemy territory now.
You are not imagining things. Your mind is the battlefield. You may not want war, but war has found you.
Grief and trauma are part of life. They exist for a reason, to make things that are harmful and deadly feel painful. But when grief and trauma are artificially weaponized at scale, the effects are catastrophic. Human beings are not designed for a sustained flood of traumatic events or a sustained flood of propaganda and lies. But when you combine the two, you can create mass violence and death. The man who most infamously figured this out was Adolf Hitler.
Hitler did not have social media to accelerate the process. Elon Musk does, along with his co-conspirators Peter Thiel and Jack Dorsey.
What you are feeling is real. You are suffering from wounds intentionally inflicted by psychopaths who believe the existing system needs to be burned down so they can rebuild it in their own image.
My purpose here is simply to acknowledge what you’ve been through, what we’ve all been through together. It has been, to say the least, some crazy shit. You are allowed to grieve what has been lost, both to yourself and to the world. You have been hurt and traumatized by bullies with billions of dollars and nothing but malice in their hearts.
However, I cannot stress this enough, it is not time for despair. That’s the one emotion you must combat. We do not have time for it. I’m sorry to bring you this news.
We’re in an existential war for the future of democracy. You are a combatant whether you like it or not. But you do have a choice of how you play your part.
This is as they say, a marathon, not a sprint. You must take care of yourself, take time to be a human being and to take care of those around you.
The next few months are going to be extremely challenging. Recall the Big Lie frenzy between the 2020 election and the insurrection and multiply it by the two years we’ve given the enemy to plan and improve their systems with no accountability whatsoever.
The future of democracy depends on our collective ability to withstand the psychological warfare attack that we are all silently grieving. It has taken so much from us already, and it is tempting to just give in to our feelings.
Do not give in. We have children and grandchildren to fight for. Your feelings are real — you earned them. But you need to process them and keep going.
My deepest gratitude to all of you who have sustained me through this and pulled me out of despair so many times. I would have given up a hundred times by now without you. We will get through this together. 🇺🇸🏴☠️💙
#ArrestMikeFlynn #EvacuateTwitter
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Very tough day. Feeling every word of this❤️ love you hon.