Hand-to-Hand Information Extraction
The veteran digital soldiers are being called back to the front.
CW: Offensive language.
Yesterday, an account trolled me in a pretty disgusting way about my debunk of tankie Matt Taibbi’s Twitter Files hoax. So for your information, I’m going to walk through my process of getting information from an adversary.

Normally, this kind of attack would go straight to the block list but this account claims to be the infamous white nationalist troll “Microchip” who was one of the first two people to write “Q drops.” I have identified the original Microchip as Justin McConney, whose father is currently in deep shit as VP of Finance and Comptroller at Trump Org.
It’s hard to imagine Justin coming out of retirement under these circumstances, so I immediately have to assume this is a larper or Live Action Role Play character — that is, someone who is pretending to be someone they’re not online. Microchip itself is of course, a LARP, it’s a character that anyone can play. So this account appears to be larping as a LARP. 🙄

Regardless, the account’s language was credible and so was its profile. It even has a tiny “KKK” to make sure you know where it’s coming from. Clearly this was someone who at a minimum was extremely familiar with the actual Microchip. That meant to me it’s someone who knows the truth but is trying to present a false narrative. So I decided to figure him out and see where it went.
Turns out the account that is larping as Microchip is actually larping as an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Special Forces soldier named Tal Hanan, who this fake Microchip wants people to think is the original Microchip, and him.
I know, it’s a mess. Basically, this guy wants to make people think QAnon was started by the Israelis, i.e. Jews. It’s a disinformation op to cover for the people really responsible for QAnon, and not so subtle antisemitism.
Anyway, the account went on to do a casual death threat which I guess was supposed to scare me or whatever. Meh.

The whole thing is clearly bullshit, so I simply asked for any proof. The only proof that the account could muster is stuff he could google. As “proof” he produced a stock picture of a hat that I found three scrolls down a google search for “mossad hat.”

Turns out they sell them at Walmart. He claimed that he gave the hat to internet terrorist Douglas Matthew Stewart which you could see in a video.
When I asked about the fact that he literally lifted the photo from Walmart, he said those are “cheap Chinese knockoffs.” The only other “proof” was a picture of “himself,” Tal Hanan, that was labeled “Haaretz.” Over and over the fake Microchip deflected from producing a single shred of evidence for any of his claims.
But the people he follows are the real tell. It’s a perfect horseshoe. The major players on both sides of the Protectorate of QAnon. The central figures in the controlled opposition to QAnon are there, as well as the most vile perpetrators on the right. All of them known to be connected to internet terrorist Douglas Matthew Stewart. But the smoking gun is that his only mutual follow is Doug’s girlfriend Lia Spinelli whose account is currently protected.

He followed the horrific account KassandraSeven until I pointed it out and then he unfollowed her, which is called “consciousness of guilt” because they’ve been working together for six years.
Here’s a very long, very well-documented article about psychopath Doug Stewart and all his connections. It’s a complex network of people that all work together to obfuscate the origins of QAnon and to punish people who try to tell the truth.
So I am left with the only credible option being that the account is in actuality Doug Stewart who has crawled back out of the woodwork to do his very best to obfuscate the truth about QAnon, including his own involvement.
In this context, the entire escapade makes perfect sense. I’ve been exposing the people he works with. KassandraSeven, Mike Rothschild and now Will Sommer who was on TV lying about QAnon to promote his fake book while his friend Doug Stewart was trolling me on Twitter.
But the narrative that they have been so diligently gatekeeping is simply falling apart, so Doug is trying to be the white knight — the Final Boss.
Will Sommer’s interview was absolutely horrible. He smirked and laughed through the whole thing, lied about getting “death threats,” and lied about who “Q” is. He basically said he didn’t know who it is but the “QAnon believers used to think it was Mike Flynn or Donald Trump Jr.” which is so ignorant and wrong it’s amazing he would say it. He said Ron Watkins the other day.
But the purpose of that lie was to specifically undermine the well-proven fact that Mike Flynn is Q — to make me seem like a “QAnon believer.”
All of this stuff, from Rothschild and Sommer’s fake QAnon books, to the HBO documentary that intentionally got the end wrong, to the New York Times article that quoted GamerGate cult leader Fred Brennan, is disinformation that is getting spoon fed to the public. Doug Stewart is trying to distract me, confuse me and discredit me to protect the people he works with.

Instead all he did was tell on himself.

Doug Stewart is a footnote of history, I’ll give him that much. But if he thinks his silly LARP is going to get me off-track he has not been paying attention.
“ IDF special forces asshole“, I didn’t know that was a thing.
Right now the journalism world loves Will Sommer.
Reminds me how they loved Glenn Greenwald. Until they woke up and it was too late. They haven't apologized for that, have they? No, they just lay off anyone who remembers so they perpetually have a 19-year-old staff who's gung-ho but has no institutional memory.
Glenn Greenwald is still holding a Pulitzer Prize for lies. It should make the journalism world FURIOUS. But no, they just condemn reporters like Jayson Blair.
We see you, journalism.
Yeah, this is why we unsubscribed from Qanon Anonymous. They're so smart and so lucid...until it comes to the specifics that might make all of this less than funny. Then it's all a big joke. Such a strange mix of naivety and wisdom there. It doesn't add up. (eta, grammar and spelling. we miss a copy desk.)
One more thing: Any journalist-type who is milking current events for laffs instead of warning folks of imminent danger is not a journalist. Which means we don't have many journalists left. Y'all here are journalists. Thank you.