Political cowardice, corruption and inertia has left us wide open to an attack on the midterms that will make the Big Lie and January 6th look like what it was — practice.
For 27 months, I have been doing everything in my power to warn people about Mike Flynn and his literal war on American democracy. I warned people about January 6th ahead of time. Now I’m warning you again.
The midterms are going to be chaotic and violent. The scope and scale of the operations to disrupt and suppress the vote, and to cast doubt on the results, is going to dwarf what we saw in 2020.
While I’m glad the country is beginning to understand how dangerous Mike Flynn is, it is far too late to prevent what is about to happen. Despite voluminous evidence, several documentaries, endless FBI tips and the open public record, the authorities have done nothing to stop Flynn or his treasonous allies from executing their plans to destroy the midterms. Nothing.
The January 6th Committee blew it by allowing Liz Cheney’s political career to trump the needs of the country while failing to explain what actually happened and who was responsible.
Merrick Garland blew it by allowing Chris Wray to focus on a few bad actors from China instead of the blatant Russian assets infesting our country across every aspect of society.
Joe Biden blew it by fucking up the Disinformation Board that could have addressed some of this.
And the Democrats blew it by putting up with literal Nazis and seditionists in Congress and failing to actually step up and hold the line for our democracy.
In the meantime, the press is feckless and lost, and refuses to take a stand on anything at all while cheerfully acting as a stenographer for liars and influence peddlers in the controlled opposition.
And Twitter is about to be turned into 16chan by a pro-Putin neo-Nazi shitlord.
So here were are, with two weeks to go before our nation decides whether or not to continue as a democracy — and yes, it is really that stark. Unfortunately, I can see no practical scenario involving a fascist-controlled Congress for the next two years that will allow a real election to happen in 2024.
As many of us have been endlessly reporting, Mike Flynn’s operation has been planning for this since the day 1/6 failed — in the open.
Flynn set up cult operations in hundreds of police forces through “Constitutional Sheriffs” and numerous other fascist programs.
He has installed thousands and thousands of election workers and poll watchers inside our voting system.
He built and funded “America’s Future,” “The America Project” and dozens of other anti-democratic terrorist organizations.
He has tuned and organized propaganda channels across Telegram, TruthSocial and Rumble to prepare for Big Lie 2.
He has rallied his controlled opposition in the press and on social media to run interference for him.
And he has activated and deployed white nationalist paramilitaries to intimidate voters and to cause widespread violence before, during and after Election Day.
My biggest fear leading up to 2020 was that there would be violence at the polls in order to suppress the Democratic vote. I believe the only reason that didn’t happen was because of COVID. The vast majority of people voting on Election Day 2020 were Republicans, so they decided to attack the results instead of the vote itself.
I don’t think we’re going to escape violence this time. In 2020, we didn’t have 30,000 neo-nazis coming out to be “poll watchers.” And we didn’t have countless people inside the election system doing everything in their power to destroy it.
I am sorry to be so negative, but the signs are very clear. The next two weeks will see a rapid escalation of the blatant Nazi propaganda we’ve been seeing. Intimidation of poll workers, voters and politicians will intensify. The pro-Putin, anti-Ukraine fifth column will continue to radicalize and prepare for a kinetic civil war. Stochastic terrorism in the form of white supremacist violence will build and will be aimed at softer and softer targets. And for the most part, we will sit by and watch.
Unfortunately, however, the most dangerous time — and the most likely time for mass violence — will be after the election. Whatever the results are, even if the Republicans win both the House and Senate, the aftermath of the election is going to be a nightmare.
Flynn’s operations have set up digital infrastructure for collecting a massive amount of election fraud disinformation “in the field” which they will use to create “2000 Mules” style lies. They have built apps and databases ready to take in “reports” which they will then use to generate propaganda in order to further radicalize and incite the insurgency. Last time, they were making it up as they went along. This time, it will be a machine.
So what do we do?
VOTE. NOW. VOTE NOW. VOTE NOW. Do not wait for Election Day.
The only chance we have to save the nation is to win both Houses in the midterms and fight our way through the aftermath. And make no mistake, if we win, there will be a fight. The cult will not, indeed can not, accept a Democratic victory.
We have backed ourselves deep into a corner. We will either have a GOP-led Congress and watch them take apart democracy bit by bit, or we will scrape by with Congress and gain a potential civil war instead.
Hard truths.
You are not being negative Jim. You are telling the Truth, or as you put it, "Hard Truths".
Anybody with any semblance of what has been happening Globally will understand that. I haven't been following you for very long, however I find your ability to challenge the threats to Democracy inspiring.
To your followers: Be brave. Think about those in Ukraine, support each other, and come together. What other choice do we have?
With any luck, the feds will be keeping an eye on the networks/apps and stop them in their tracks. I'm trying to remain hopeful, but it hasn't been easy.