Election related places such as polling places and boards of election can fulfill several of the threat areas at once, ex public gatherings, government facilities and personnel, and perceived ideological opponents.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

In the short term, vote blue for democracy!

In the long term, we need more guardrails protecting our democracy and democratic institution.

You nailed it with your analysis that fascist ops are building a machine this time around to create “reports” of election fraud that will be turned into disinformation and propaganda.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

With any luck, the feds will be keeping an eye on the networks/apps and stop them in their tracks. I'm trying to remain hopeful, but it hasn't been easy.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

You are not being negative Jim. You are telling the Truth, or as you put it, "Hard Truths".

Anybody with any semblance of what has been happening Globally will understand that. I haven't been following you for very long, however I find your ability to challenge the threats to Democracy inspiring.

To your followers: Be brave. Think about those in Ukraine, support each other, and come together. What other choice do we have?

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I appreciate the kind words. Means a lot. 💙

Could not agree more. We do have to come together. And we will, regardless. No one is going to accept Flynnistan or whatever the fuck he wants to call it. Thanks for being here. 🙏

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Oh, yes, of course. This is a War. And I agree. #ArrestMichaelFlynn



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