At least Bezos Amazon and other employs of his; is offering his employs $4000. in travel expenses for women who are being effecting by this bill and canceling projects in the states that are enacting these trigger laws. Though even the States that are currently protected are only one Reich wing election away from loosing those rights.
Mark my words they will be going after gay marriage next. If anyone doesn't believe me I'll offer 5 to 1 up to $1000. you find a credible escrow.
Very disappointed in WaPo. It is inexcusable.
At least Bezos Amazon and other employs of his; is offering his employs $4000. in travel expenses for women who are being effecting by this bill and canceling projects in the states that are enacting these trigger laws. Though even the States that are currently protected are only one Reich wing election away from loosing those rights.
Mark my words they will be going after gay marriage next. If anyone doesn't believe me I'll offer 5 to 1 up to $1000. you find a credible escrow.
Yes. Gay marriage is next on the wish list. They have said this out loud.
Wtf is wrong with corporate media? Publishing pure shit written in a CNP war room doesn’t make you fair and balanced.
Thank you Jim