Hitting a Nerve: Additional Deep Thoughts by Joseph J. Flynn
Let’s explain “Op Sec” to the brother of the worst traitor in US history.
Joe Flynn is very, very focused on me at the moment. This is for good reason. The reason is that I have been fucking his brother up for two years and now I have a documentary they really, really don’t want people to see. Here it is, please share it:
So I wrote this phrase in my last article about Beer Hat Joe:
“simply marvel at the complete lack of opsec, self-awareness, or concern for criminal liability by the guy running chaos operations for his brother.”
What’s funny is the only thing that Joe objected to was me criticizing his “Op Sec” aka opsec aka operational security. So I guess he’s with me on the self-awareness and crimes.
Let me explain opsec, Joey. Unless you wanted me to get your email address and learn about your obsessive compulsive consumption of my Substack and YouTube, you fucked up. You failed to consider even the first-order implications of subscribing to your target’s website and how that would affect the investigation into your brother.
I now have rock-solid evidence that you are stalking me and have black and white evidence that you are quite familiar with my trolls as well.
You are a liability to your brother, a danger to the country, and the dumbest piece of shit on two feet.
You have spent how much time and money trying to shut me up? How many crimes have you sponsored and committed to stop me, one guy, against an entire “army of digital soldiers?”
And yet here I am. Who’s the “pussy” again, Joe?
Are other subscribers able to find out stuff about my subscription in any way?
Joe Flynn liked a comment of mine lol
"You failed to consider even the first-order implications of subscribing to your target’s website and how that would affect the investigation into your brother."
Mike had to train Joe somewhere along the way on test enabling architecture. It doesn't mean he trained him on domestic architecture. Which is scary enough within itself. I always said the bloodline thread was seeding in the sense of how Clint Watts understands the criminal process.