How Did the Russians Steal the 2016 Election with American Co-conspirators? A Brief Review.
And some remaining questions.
In December 2015, Mike Flynn went to a gala for Russian state propaganda network Russia Today and sat to Vladimir Putin’s right. He also sat with RT chief Margarita Simonyan, who published a video two weeks later that said her “creative director” was “Misha”—famously Mike Flynn’s Russian nickname.

In March 2016, the GRU Unit Fancy Bear spear-fished John Podesta and hacked both the DNC and RNC servers. The contents of the RNC servers were never published which leaves open the possibility Russian intelligence used that material for kompromat and blackmail of Republicans.
In June, Wikileaks began to release selected emails which caused embarrassment and chaos at the DNC. Trump asked Russia to help find Hillary’s 30,000 emails.
At the RNC, Flynn chanted “lock her up,” and started a PAC called MAGA3X with Peter Thiel—co-founders included the elite of the neo-Nazi alt-right. Numerous inauthentic social media accounts were launched by MAGA3X & Israeli firm Psy-Group, including some that are still operating.
MAGA3X and assorted “influencers” created conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton based on Russian hacked material. The propaganda was traumatic and disgusting—well-designed to create rage and hatred.
Then-FBI Director Comey cooperated with this smear campaign by opening (and closing) a “case” against Hillary Clinton about “her emails” and then went way outside FBI policy to grandstand about it.
The beginning of the end was 10/7/16 when DHS issued a warning that Russia was interfering with the election, the Access Hollywood tape came out, and Wikileaks began to release the hacked emails of John Podesta—within an hour of each other.
The Internet Research Agency (IRA), a building full of 600 “political technologists” with training in Russian psychological warfare in St. Petersburg—run by now-deceased terrorist & Erik Prince-pal Yvgeny Prigozhin—went into full swing to amplify the propaganda being created by MAGA3X and others. Mike Flynn was one of the promoters of IRA accounts, and tweeted #MAGA3X more than 40 times.
“TEN_GOP” was especially notorious.

Here’s a brilliant primer on Russian psychological warfare and its use of “political technologists” by Zarina Zabrisky.
Podesta’s emails were especially potent because he was Hillary Clinton’s close aide and friend. MAGA3X went into overdrive to “bake” horrific conspiracies about pedophilia, cannibalism, Satanic ritual abuse, child trafficking and other radicalizing subjects about the emails.
Mike Flynn, an unregistered agent of Turkey at the time, paid former FBI agent Brian McCauley $28,000 in Turkish money for “lobbying” two weeks before McCauley told a false story about Hillary’s emails that was widely circulated in the media.
But it was on 10/28/16, that James Comey delivered the coup de gras to the Clinton campaign by justifying all of the lies about her by “reopening” the fake email case that he had already promoted. He said this involved an “FBI investigation” that had, as we found out later, allegedly revealed new emails on the laptop of Anthony Weiner. This was completely false

My question for James Comey would be:
Who told you there were “new emails”?
Did this fake ”investigation” come from the New York FBI where your now-convicted counterintelligence chief Charles McGonigal — a big fan of yours — was stationed?
NOTE: Charles McGonigal has been convicted of unrelated crimes related to his being paid by Russian oligarchs at the time. He will go to prison for a few years. This is called a “limited hangout.”
Three days after Comey’s announcement, NYT published an infamously false article asserting that “law enforcement sources” told them that the FBI “Sees No Clear Link to Russia.” This cemented the idea in people’s minds that “Russia Russia Russia” was a “hoax.”
My question for the then-Editor of the New York Times Dean Baquet and these journalists would be:
Was your source for this article former counterintelligence chief for James Comey convicted Russian asset Charles McGonigal?
If so, don’t you have a responsibility to correct the record and let the American public know?
Bonus question:
Did either James Comey or the New York Times have contact with Mike Flynn’s agent Brian McCauley who was paid $28,000 to make up stories about Hillary’s emails?
Regardless, of who the “FBI” or “law enforcement” sources were for Comey and the NYT, these active measures — based on Russian-hacked emails — cost us the election and put us in this mess.
We don’t just need to know this for history’s sake, we need to know because Christopher Wray is clearly part of the cover up and he’s broken the ability of the Justice Department to do justice.
We will never stop Putin and Flynn’s fifth column unless we recognize its origins and grapple with the fact that Donald Trump’s entire presidency was poison fruit from a Russian tree. The evidence is quite clear, now it’s about reminding the people responsible for providing accountability, that it is time to do their jobs.
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Jim - thank you for the overview. It is indeed chilling each time I read timeline. Do you believe there are any investigations on-going or have the power brokers who could do something closed the door on it? Also any thoughts on why Wray has been left at the FBI?