Hopefully our national security has moles within the MAGA cults and are fully aware of their plans?

At least the mob boss is not sitting at the Resolute Desk in this election so he can’t order the entire military to stand down while his goons kill and destroy!!

I am very worried about what intimidation tactics they have in mind for suppressing the vote. Patrolling the periphery of the polls with their killing machines?

Trying to shut down or gum up the machines and poll workers in key Blue cities in battleground states??

Someone needs to know what they are planning so it can be thwarted well ahead of time.

Flynn’s blood comrade is still active high up in the military, no doubt he keeps Flynn apprised of every whisper about what the military does or doesn’t know. I hope our military is smart enough to take advantage of that.

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I agree with your analysis, whole-heartedly! I've stopped watching MSNBC for these reasons as well. I stopped being a digital soldier for good on twit because I just couldn't keep up with the trolls and bots. I was spending more time just blocking the motherfuckers than spreading good words of deeds and action needed to take place. I've continued to consume multiple writers on fascism and relayed to friends on facebook. I honestly don't know if I am reaching anyone though. Yet, I continue to try. It's something that eats away at me daily. We cannot become numb.

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You are a modern Paul Revere except the majority of Americans are too busy on their smartphones to take the time to listen or care. Once their freedom is gone it will be too late.

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I absolutely agree that a counterinsurgency is needed--but I am not aware of any organized effort at such, and can't see a way forward. I'm too old to be a foot soldier, but could serve in another capacity. I just don't see it coming together. I'm sorry to admit that the immediate future looks very dark to me. On the other hand, things never end well for tyrants. It may just take a very long time...

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Yessssssss. Let’s fight it together. United. 🙌

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