The malicious trolls on this sub are so busy. Do you all not have anything more diabolical to do? Are there no more democracies to weaken??

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You should sue the fucker for harassment. I know its prolly not something you’d want to do. But likely effective

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Lol it was clear by those screen names “liking” my comments that someone is disturbed. And it isn’t me or you lol.

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Sorry you had to endure that Jim. These harassers are trash. Your work continues to help us understand. Keep it up. We’re with you & we support you ! 😊

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Douglas Stewart mentioned shooting up a church in that one comment, I wonder if this Kremlin connected team of psychoterrorists radicalized the Sutherland Springs church mass shooting terrorist or the Charleston church mass shooting terrorist. Certainly wouldn't surprise me, but don't worry everyone, Gazprom attorney, Manchurian selected Chris Wray will get to the bottom of it...

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A Putin Whoreshoe is more like it...

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I had a couple of those. Thanks for the heads up.

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An idea for a leader to be.

Greetings Jim:

One year from now, another presidential election will take place. It Is our hope that the election will be tilted to our favor. And from the looks of things, we are on the correct path to having another 4 years of Democratic leadership. However, the most recent aggregate polls from Real Clear Politics show Donald Trump leading Joe Biden (a resident leading a President) 44.6% to 44.4%. Not much and enough to tilt to our favor. Yet not the commanding landslide we need. With that in mind, we will need to consider other potential candidates that have a record of accomplishment of important results and lasting impact. This of course will require the Democratic Party willing to upgrade its slate of candidates and endorsements from where we currently are.

There is one leader who is a Democrat that I would be willing to endorse should a candidacy for the Presidency arrive. In the years I have been emailing you, I have mentioned Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and/or referenced him along with the Cuomo family. You may have even noticed I finished one of my emails with an epigraph attributed to Gov. Mario Cuomo’s alter ego, A.J. Parkinson. As you know, I happen to live in New York and witnessed firsthand the Sars-CoV-2 emergency at its peak and at its most dire. Now, it is not a secret that I was not on board with the lockdowns and over handedness of that time. Even so, what Governor Cuomo showed was leadership. In fact, this week marks the 3rd anniversary of Governor Cuomo’s daily briefings which continued through July 2020 and on most frequently various occasions up until his forced resignation. I miss these briefings and statements. And while you and I would never want to experience 2020 again; we can make an honest assessment as to who led and who followed.

I am mentioning this because I think the time has come for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to make his political return if he chooses. And I cannot think of a more important political office for him or another Democrat to seek than the Presidency. We could use someone like the past New York Governor at this time who is able to call a spade a spade. And honestly someone who has been able to not fear and bow down to Donald Trump. Certainly, President Joe Biden has done that. Yet, we are eventually going to need fresh faces and proven winners. Just consider this option. Hopefully, I will more say about these reasons when I can. And I must apologize I sent you an email on a Monday night as opposed to Sunday night. Quite a bit is going on with my loved ones and me.

Best Wishes and Kindest Regards,

Robert Kelly

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What a weird place to promote a serial abuser of women.

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Ikr? It's almost like he thinks it doesn't matter.

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Jim, this is way way terrible. I got the "weird" messages purporpotedly from you and Heidi -- it looked "off" but didn't understand. You have my support in this strange zone of disinformation.

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It is war and we the reluctant warriors. Dark days will end. Take these stupid despicable fkers down, Jim. I'll switch to monthly. My admiration and support for you is unwavering. We'll amp this tour up soon. And do not forget your all expenses paid two-week trip to Hawai'i for your R&R soon. I think the world of you. You're the very best human being ✌️❤️😉

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Exact same thoughts, well said!

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You are incredibly kind, Kathe. 💙

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I speak truth where it matters. No matter what 😉

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Another offshoot of QAnon is in the UFO community, mixed with new age religious space alien shite.

Note that Wes Clark JR mentioned this was done to him in American Psyop.

Last year, a man in Scotland murdered his dad, after being radicalised by Q, David Icke, and American UFO hustlers like Luis Elizondo, and the Bledsoes.


Also there was a guy in USA got mindf*cked by “Skinwalker Ranch”. The show made him believe in monsters. He went berserk, resulting in ‘suicide by cops.’

UFOs/aliens is a very dangerous topic. It’s been weaponised, and it plays into the “rapture” nonsense.

As a Brit, it’s hard to understand anyone’s interest in “rapture”. Over here it’s not even a thing. I had to look it up!

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Totally. Icke and his cohorts.

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Badd Company still says it’s all going to work out. I wish it does.

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Badd is a hopium account. Nothing wrong with that but “Justice is Coming” is not a solution to anything.

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I hear you on that.

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