Interviewing My Personal Terrorist — Douglas Matthew Stewart [UPDATE]
How the man who helped create QAnon and has been psychologically torturing me for 30 months also created Will Sommer and Mike Rothschild
This article brings a number of major threads together — the targeted, coordinated harassment against me personally, the origins of QAnon, and the reasons there is so much disinformation about Q. Basically, QAnon was not only set up on the right, it is just as embedded and dangerous on the left because the controlled opposition is created by the same people. QAnon is a horseshoe.
Below is a part of a conversation I have been having with internet terrorist Douglas Matthew Stewart, who helped start both QAnon and the controlled opposition to it. He has also been trying to get me to kill myself for 2 1/2 years.
Doug is pretending to be “IDF Special Forces” member Tal Hanan while he larps as “Microchip” which was started in 2016 by director of social media for Trump Org at the time, Doug’s good friend, Justin McConney.
Note the cavalcade of fallacies, deflections and ad hominems Doug uses every time he’s asked for proof of any claims.
Facing the guy behind a campaign of destruction against yourself is weird, but frankly I think this is some of my best work. He fell in every single trap and confessed to everything. Narcissists have easy-to-find buttons.
You can pause to read the tweets.
Or the thread is here.
For 30 months I have worked as hard as humanly possible to get to the bottom of the psychological destruction that has been wrought in America. More specifically, I set out to dismantle QAnon — which has perverted some of my own work to control people’s minds.
At the very beginning of my investigation, I reached out to the people who had worked hard to portray themselves as “QAnon experts.” I assumed that those people would be genuinely interested in the truth about it and would be interested in my insights since it was weaponizing my own work.
I was absolutely wrong. I walked right into a trap — a trap laid by Douglas Matthew Stewart, who started QAnon with Justin McConney, Manuel Chavez III and James Brower.
The first people I reached out to on Twitter were Mike Rothschild, Will Sommer, QAnonAnonymous host Travis View aka Logan Strain, and the guy who created 8chan and GamerGate cult leader Fred Brennan. I cannot begin to tell you what a mistake that was. All of those people were put in place to gatekeep a narrative to protect Doug Stewart, his colleagues and his bosses. I went 0 for 4.
I detest being a victim. I don’t talk about my own experience as a plea for sympathy. I don’t want it. But I do feel a responsibility to share what happens to people like me because it’s extremely relevant to the disinformation landscape and why we find ourselves in this mess.
The ferocity, depth and persistence of the coordinated harassment waged at me has been shocking. I expected resistance of course, but I did not anticipate the intensity of the controlled opposition. These are the people who claim to be against QAnon, but are actually there to promote it in the guise of making fun of it — and to cover for the people responsible. I have a whole section of Substack devoted to it.
There is a large network of people directly and indirectly controlled by Doug Stewart that has been trying to get me to kill myself since I began this journey. Doug was successful with one of his targets, Rob McNeece, in collaboration with Louise Mensch who has been participating in harassing me for over a year. Doug bragged about Rob’s death with a smirk in this 2019 MAGA Youtuber interview. In the interview he describes an entire career of white nationalist propaganda and psyops. He also recommends GamerGate trolling website Kiwi Farms.

While they have not succeeded in killing me yet, I do have complex PTSD from the attacks and the psychological tactics they’ve waged at me. Doug, of course, thinks it’s funny.
In the real world, Doug and his allies have caused me irreparable harm — financially, psychologically, and emotionally, and have intentionally defamed and slandered me for 2 1/2 years. His group destroyed my volunteer group, engineered my ban from Twitter, smeared my reputation with press, separated me from my friends and turned some of them against me, prevented me from distributing my documentary, and got my 60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl cut from a segment about QAnon I helped create.
If you have commented on any of my posts on Substack you have probably gotten a “like” (or many) from an account like this spreading pure defamation. This is just one of thousands and thousands of attacks across every platform I’ve been on.
These are paid trolls operated by Doug Stewart. This activity is intended to get you to stop commenting, to stop being a paid subscriber, and to doubt my credibility. Please do not be intimidated by these low-wage workers. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber in spite of them. 🙏
When I started my Substack, Doug posted this:
So I wrote a long, very detailed, accurate post about Doug’s connections to both QAnon and to the controlled opposition to it.
After I published my article Doug threatened me over and over on protonmail, trolled my podcast, and gave me a 24 hour deadline to take it down. When I refused he sent me this:
In early 2019, Doug organized “Q Slayers” which was a coalition of his allies to manufacture a conflict with “Q” and to generate a false narrative in the process. This group includes everyone I first reached out to, including Mike Rothschild and Will Sommer who both wrote books that intentionally promote and make light of QAnon just as Doug Stewart instructed them to.
Doug Stewart started telling them what to do, according to himself, just a few months after “Q” started in “January or February” of 2018. It was his “strategy” to get “journalists to write about it” and “make fun of it.” Then he says, “you see the stories popping up.”
Just a few months before the interview, in December 2018, Will Sommer wrote a silly QAnon article in The Daily Beast based on a conspiracy theory by Douglas Matthew Stewart.
Will Sommer admitted that his entire story came from “writer Douglas Stewart” and linked to Doug’s Medium post about it.
On the same Medium account is Doug’s article pretending to be “exposing” Louise Mensch in the death of Rob McNeece. This is sickening.
Here is Douglas Matthew Stewart yesterday admitting that he intentionally coordinated chaos on the left with Louise Mensch.

Will Sommer and Mike Rothschild have been a team since early 2018, along with the podcast QAnonAnonymous, Vice News “reporter” David Gilbert and others. They were put there to stop people like me from telling you the truth. They were the exact people that infiltrated, attacked and wrote a purely defamatory hit piece about my volunteer group, The Thinkin Project.
Here Doug admits they are on the same team.
This is not about a disagreement or a two-way “beef.” This is about an operation to shut down dissent and spread lies and distractions about QAnon. It’s why the popular conception about “Q” is so wrong. They do not want you to know the truth about it because they helped create it and protect it. And yes, that includes Mike Rothschild and Will Sommer who knew exactly what QAnon was and who created it — and still make money promoting it regardless.
Please consider becoming a paid subscriber if you get value from my work. Because of these attacks, I’m struggling to figure out how to keep the lights on while I finish my project to get the criminals who did this — including Douglas Matthew Stewart — in prison, and inform the public of what’s happening around them.
More info below. Thank you. 🙏💙
UPDATE: Doug has admitted to running this fake Microchip account, engaging with coordinated harassment and planting stories with Will Sommer.
You really can’t make it up.
It is war and we the reluctant warriors. Dark days will end. Take these stupid despicable fkers down, Jim. I'll switch to monthly. My admiration and support for you is unwavering. We'll amp this tour up soon. And do not forget your all expenses paid two-week trip to Hawai'i for your R&R soon. I think the world of you. You're the very best human being ✌️❤️😉
Another offshoot of QAnon is in the UFO community, mixed with new age religious space alien shite.
Note that Wes Clark JR mentioned this was done to him in American Psyop.
Last year, a man in Scotland murdered his dad, after being radicalised by Q, David Icke, and American UFO hustlers like Luis Elizondo, and the Bledsoes.
Also there was a guy in USA got mindf*cked by “Skinwalker Ranch”. The show made him believe in monsters. He went berserk, resulting in ‘suicide by cops.’
UFOs/aliens is a very dangerous topic. It’s been weaponised, and it plays into the “rapture” nonsense.
As a Brit, it’s hard to understand anyone’s interest in “rapture”. Over here it’s not even a thing. I had to look it up!