We know historically the Russians have promoted both left and right-wing extremism in countries it sees as adversaries, presumably to sow division and weaken them from the inside. So, it seems plausible, even likely that your premise is correct. Azov was according to the Ukrainians already denazified at least in terms of its leadership and integrated as a regiment (I think) into Ukraine's National Guard. Of course, such kind of blowback/unintended consequences, i.e., a weapon (in this case Azov) provided by a state being later turned against that state is not uncommon. Think US support of the mujahideen in Afghanistan and the role that played in the birth of Al Qaeda. https://publicintegrity.org/accountability/osama-bin-laden-how-the-u-s-helped-midwife-a-terrorist/

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Yes, exactly. In any case the Russian government at a minimum tacitly approved of AB on Iron March for years. But at some point AB realized it was getting played and started organizing against Russia and denazified itself.

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Oct 19, 2022
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yes. anglin was there too. wonder if chuck was hanging around?

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