My God what a racket! Your very own think tank (s) to compete with each other to see who can make the best mancherin candates. Wheelbarrows full of contractors. No more democracy. A gambling casino of making Manchurian candidates. Hedging their bets all the way to London banks. Mercers gaming and hedging industry.
My God what a racket! Your very own think tank (s) to compete with each other to see who can make the best mancherin candates. Wheelbarrows full of contractors. No more democracy. A gambling casino of making Manchurian candidates. Hedging their bets all the way to London banks. Mercers gaming and hedging industry.
Sorry for all the typos but thanks for getting it.
Thanks, Bonnie.
In the hearing Jamie Raskin mentioned that Stewart Rhodes wired $7k to someone in Virginia on J5 to buy tactical gear.
That would be Ivan Raiklin.
According to my cable company, it's being aired here in NY at 1pm on PBS/THIRTEEN.
Yeah, sorry! Fixed.