As the Q Anon PsyOp was meant to directly build up a fifth column for the J6 attack, directed to appeal, proliferate and push military and ex-military personnel to be both Russian sympathetic and ready to topple the US government, I would take the whole contents of the 8Chan server from the Watkins and copies of all his communications.

We both know that Flynn himself directed the whole Op, while flunkies like Brennan and the Watkins are self-promoting destructive forces. He needs to be charged and detained until trial.

I only have watched one episode the Into The Storm, the one where they visit the Philippines. While definitely stuff was done for promotion, it was still relevant showing that Brennan lies publicly about how long he had access to the 8Chan server.

Arrest Mike Flynn.

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Hey Jim, I am not trying to sound naïve or hide behind aporia, but I can't help asking: if you don't know who can do something about this stuff, who can? Seriously, when you say that the J6 committee NEEDS to do X or NEEDS to do Y, who is going to make sure they do what NEEDS to be done? Also, "...someone needs make sure...." Who is someone? If you don't know, and your colleagues don't know, how are "we" supposed to do anything? I keep reading about all of these advanced, secret psy-ops and LARPs and LLMs and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do to counter this shit. All Democrats seem to have in their toolkit is voting. That's it. Vote. That's all we got. What do we do? What is the plan? Because just reading about it all and being outraged and feeling basically helpless to fight back is not the solution. Anyway, thank you for all you're doing. Don't mean to sound disgruntled, just feeling frustrated and trying to find a constructive outlet.

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I agree. We get through this. Voting. We vote in people who are smart enough to pick people for a commission to investigate the misuse and fraud and abuse of In-Q-Tel.

As it started in the beginning with that other commission investigating DIA then and now further that even to oath keepers law enforcement and so forth criminal abuse of such power.

We get this done fast. After the Voting. Entitle the work product of the commission something like The Belmont Report ll. Get things like Incitement to suicide through laundering influence narratives punishable by death in the books and so forth.

They, the abuse of executive powers, are never going to stop now. They and all their startups all now have a real taste for it.

Add some previews for such a later commission into this current commission report and hearings and conclusions and so forth.

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Be disgruntled. You should be. So am I. I wish I had simple answers to your questions. I don’t have a plan to fix everything. But my hope is that if I can explain what’s happening, in all its complexity and horror, we can collectively come up with solutions.

So when I say “someone needs to do X” the hope is that someone will read what I write and do it. I’m overwhelmed simply trying to keep up with all the fuckery — I need help from people to take the information I provide and take action if it outrages them.

I know it can be overwhelming. And I don’t mean to contribute to a sense of despair. But the fact is we are in trouble as a civilization, not to mention as a nation. All of us need to see this as an emergency and do our small parts to combat the threat. I can’t tell everyone what to do — nor do I want to — but when I have information I think is important I feel it’s my responsibility to post it. I also try to celebrate wins. I wish there were more of them.

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I hear you, Jim, and I get it. It's just terrifying. I share your posts, but I'm nobody on social media. I just don't understand why good people are so complacent while evil, radicalized people have all the time in the world to topple civilization practically unopposed. Anyway, not giving up! On the contrary.

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Share Jim’s Substacks with a local Investigative Reporter, or some Independent News sites. Send his posts to some of the Politicians you like (if there are any😝). It is frustrating because Nobody really has a step-by-step plan. Support the people that Radpod has on it’s show. Even if you just follow them on Twitter. That is just a few suggestions for now. Great post, great questions. 🤟🏻🤍

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