She also called me to ask when the soul enters the body, and what happens to the soul during a full term "abortion." I had to explain that abortion refers to terminating a pregnancy that is not full term. Very distressing conversation.
Thank you so much for this. As I read Jane’s story, I could feel myself becoming Jane, conflicted & torn internally. I saw how the need to belong, to be part of something, to be seen/heard impacts everyone. Trilions spent dividing us. Are we all Jane?
Yes, to some extent we are. We all get pulled down into rabbitholes designed for us — not all by bad people. The difference is whether we can recognize where we are and climb back out before getting lost. The tricks they are using to suck people in are powerful. It’s not always easy to do.
No, we are not. But far too many are and we want them back. Identity. As well as other psychological factors. Humans are social, although some of us can spend incredible amounts of time alone, in fact need to, we are still social, so we need/want to belong to something or someone. It helps shape our reality and perception of reality. As Jim and Steven have noted, trauma , which is extremely selective, plays a large role in this effort to mindf*ck people.
I am just an observer and not an expert. You must be very empathetic Kay. hi.
Strange that they are so bothered about fictional dead kids, but the same people don’t care about real kids being massacred in school shootings, or the 1 million Americans who have died from Covid.
Russian alien kid torturing traumaganda? WTFSMDH is wrong with people?
Well, you know what, I think. And that is why I've been doing this since early 2003. I think I want to change the way we think about aliens. I'm not anti-alien. I think because I think about what they're doing with us, that maybe we have to understand their intentions. For example, the way you treat aliens is you treat them as objects to be manipulated into acting on their affections so that they'll stop feeling the need to be controlled or they won, like, "It doesn't work," and think: "It's okay, well, I'm just doing this to please an alien race." But you know what? He's not in favor of controlling aliens for some ideological reason.
I'm always in favor of a limited government, as long as it creates good people. But I think the way we view the world and people around us is that there are some things that really matter for that specific group.
We have to help them KatheO. At the very least we can't judge or shame them for this behavior.
They need to come to their own conclusions and realizations of what exactly happened to them and why. Their motivation is correct: to protect the innocent. However the threat to the children was/is pure Soviet psychological warfare. Encouraged and enforced by some of our own Politicians, Business Leaders, Religious "Leaders", Media Moguls, Technocrats, Academia, Scientists, Military, ... So, collectively, if anyone is up to this challenge, try to support them. Don't judge. That is for the higher-ups.
KatheO - I am curious about that fine gentleman standing next to you. Answer publicly, privately or not at all. Always curious...
I've been trying to warn people about this for years. Just wait until the lawsuit is resolved. Maybe when this litigation is finally resolved. It could be another half dozen things. I'm not going to say when. The attorney is going to be back in court next week.
During my time working for both the UPS and the Justice Department, I have witnessed many examples of the misuse of police and other government agencies in this respect. These incidents are far too common. Even the recent cases have brought on the most pressing issues in the community, from health care to public safety.
"Jane" is my sister.
She also called me to ask when the soul enters the body, and what happens to the soul during a full term "abortion." I had to explain that abortion refers to terminating a pregnancy that is not full term. Very distressing conversation.
I remember reading the tweets about Jane before you were suspended.
OMG. Hello.
You ave captured through story, the speed of radicalization, the capture of minds of epic proportions
Thank you so much for this. As I read Jane’s story, I could feel myself becoming Jane, conflicted & torn internally. I saw how the need to belong, to be part of something, to be seen/heard impacts everyone. Trilions spent dividing us. Are we all Jane?
Yes, to some extent we are. We all get pulled down into rabbitholes designed for us — not all by bad people. The difference is whether we can recognize where we are and climb back out before getting lost. The tricks they are using to suck people in are powerful. It’s not always easy to do.
No, we are not. But far too many are and we want them back. Identity. As well as other psychological factors. Humans are social, although some of us can spend incredible amounts of time alone, in fact need to, we are still social, so we need/want to belong to something or someone. It helps shape our reality and perception of reality. As Jim and Steven have noted, trauma , which is extremely selective, plays a large role in this effort to mindf*ck people.
I am just an observer and not an expert. You must be very empathetic Kay. hi.
Strange that they are so bothered about fictional dead kids, but the same people don’t care about real kids being massacred in school shootings, or the 1 million Americans who have died from Covid.
My thought's as well
Yup I got hit with the Russian alien kid torturing traumaganda...
Russian alien kid torturing traumaganda? WTFSMDH is wrong with people?
Well, you know what, I think. And that is why I've been doing this since early 2003. I think I want to change the way we think about aliens. I'm not anti-alien. I think because I think about what they're doing with us, that maybe we have to understand their intentions. For example, the way you treat aliens is you treat them as objects to be manipulated into acting on their affections so that they'll stop feeling the need to be controlled or they won, like, "It doesn't work," and think: "It's okay, well, I'm just doing this to please an alien race." But you know what? He's not in favor of controlling aliens for some ideological reason.
I'm always in favor of a limited government, as long as it creates good people. But I think the way we view the world and people around us is that there are some things that really matter for that specific group.
I think there are humans on other Earthlike planets.
prove it
Set yourself free
We have to help them KatheO. At the very least we can't judge or shame them for this behavior.
They need to come to their own conclusions and realizations of what exactly happened to them and why. Their motivation is correct: to protect the innocent. However the threat to the children was/is pure Soviet psychological warfare. Encouraged and enforced by some of our own Politicians, Business Leaders, Religious "Leaders", Media Moguls, Technocrats, Academia, Scientists, Military, ... So, collectively, if anyone is up to this challenge, try to support them. Don't judge. That is for the higher-ups.
KatheO - I am curious about that fine gentleman standing next to you. Answer publicly, privately or not at all. Always curious...
That's my beautiful friend, James. Founder of Young Black Panther Party of Lansing.
Lansing! I am familiar with the area.
Please tell James I said hello.
I've been trying to warn people about this for years. Just wait until the lawsuit is resolved. Maybe when this litigation is finally resolved. It could be another half dozen things. I'm not going to say when. The attorney is going to be back in court next week.
During my time working for both the UPS and the Justice Department, I have witnessed many examples of the misuse of police and other government agencies in this respect. These incidents are far too common. Even the recent cases have brought on the most pressing issues in the community, from health care to public safety.
I have seen it.