Can you repost on Vimeo?

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Great show Jim!

I was wondering why Q are into the JFK thing? Obviously the Kennedy’s were Democrats, Catholics, and JFK fought in WW2. So JFK should be Q’s natural enemy.

Are they just latching on to the daddy of conspiracy theories, and sh!tting on iconic liberals and the Kennedy family?

Roger Stone is a (very poor quality) JFK assassination disinformation agent, so it might be linked to him?

Also Q might get off on teaching the cult to believe opposite world farfetched nonsense, like taking horse dewormer to treat Covid.

The ultimate irony is that it was people like Flynn who had JFK whacked:


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As soon as you started talking about Flynn on YouTube it started buffering and I can't get on the live chat.

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FYI, everyone. I will have an announcement to make.

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