Meet “Sorcerer for Hire” Jason Miller
@QuacksAnonymous weaponizes people in the name of “magick”
Full disclosure, as things were winding up to the 2020 election and I was loudly warning about QAnon on Twitter, I started getting badly trolled, not just by the right wing, but by segments of the left and “Q research” community.
One of the accounts involved was “QuacksAnonymous” who infiltrated far-left Twitter DM groups and weaponized them. I have spoken to several people who were in these groups and left after “Quacks” showed up and made demands. He wanted more “serious” and “directed” trolling and “ops” which were initially directed at QAnon accounts, but graduated to other targets. There was a discord server called “The Angel has Landed.” (Note the “fallen angel” symbolism.)
A number of people from these groups began to coordinate with others to troll me and my friends in brigades — which were validated and encouraged by “Q researchers” and certain journalists. Among the most sensitive subjects in this group was any mention of the occult and/or Satanism in QAnon and its operators.
Remarkably, this same group is still actively attacking me — more than a year after they started and six weeks after they mass reported me off of Twitter.
NOTE: I am an atheist, but not a militant one. I really do not care what you believe. I have friends from every conceivable belief system — including occultists. I find a lot of religion fascinating and I respect its historical purpose. However, if your belief system gives you a reason to hurt other people, you open it and yourself up to scrutiny.
Ordo Templis Orientis (OTO)
The OTO is a crypto-fascist occult secret society started and originally modeled on the Freemasons around the start of the 20th century. It incorporates extreme “ritual drama” during initiation and involves a variety of increasingly transgressive sexual rituals or “sex magick” as the initiate rises through the levels of the system.
Occultist Aleister Crowley joined OTO in 1910, ultimately became its head and significantly shaped it until he died in 1947. One of the things he did was largely replace Freemasonry theology in OTO with his own religion — Thelema. The most commonly heard phrase in Thelema is also the slogan of OTO:
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
— Thelema, Book of the Law
The OTO has had a vast array of connections to dangerous people and harmful cults over the years, including Theosophy, The Process Church, Charles Manson, L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology, Michael Aquino, Temple of Set, O9A, Golden Dawn, Sol Invictus and many others.

OTO is not large, membership is likely in the low tens of thousands total, but the nature of the belief system it promotes makes it easy to weaponize for non-spiritual purposes.
The Ordo Templis Orientis Phenomenon
@QuacksAnonymous is a deceptive, harmful LARP. This account is run by OTO member Jason Miller who has a business called “Strategic Sorcery” and runs an OTO “Lodge” in Philadelphia.
The account both pretends to “expose” disinformation actors while it promotes dangerous propaganda and conspiracy theories, amplifies harmful trolls, and targets people. It’s a syncretic honeypot for exposing leftists to occult content, then befriending and weaponizing them.
The OTO has had a number of offshoots since Crowley died. Jason Miller joined the “Caliphate” version of the OTO in the 1980s and left in 1995.
When “QuacksAnonymous” says he let his “OTO dues lapse in 1997,” he is being intentionally deceptive. While he does not like the specific branch of the OTO he initially joined (the “Caliphate”) he has spent his entire adult life weaponizing and monetizing OTO for his own purposes.
In 1995, he started his own OTO “Lodge” called “Thelesis.”, 2022 — “to provide a gateway into initiation into the OTO.”
Here’s the first archive of the website from 2003. Notice “Equinox ritual meeting” and the “Unitarian Church of Philadelphia.”
I received DMs over a year ago when “QuacksAnonymous” was infiltrating DM rooms from people concerned about his behavior. A number of people told me he was spreading lies and weaponizing people into harmful trolling.
The below was part of a long tirade where he was attempting to claim magical powers in the course of trying to influence a target.
Here he discusses an “Equinox ceremony in the Philadelphia Unitarian Church.” I had no idea what any of this meant when I originally got these DMs. It was only recently, after identifying Jason Miller that this proved to be more than cosplay. This just confirmed what I already knew.
Jason Miller appears to run Thelesis as a way to draw people into his own personal stable of initiates rather than a serious devotion to Thelema or anything else.
Here’s what he says on his website. He joined OTO, the Chthonic Auranian Temple and was “consecrated Bishop in a line of Independ[e]nt Catholicism” in 2005.
Here’s a story from 2012 where Jason Miller is effectively advertising his OTO “Lodge” on a local Philadelphia website. In this story Jason is larping as “Frater Lux ad Mundi,” or “Brother of Light to the World.”
A Secret “Punk Rock Temple of the Occult - 11/28/2012
Again, I have no problem with any of this per se. If people want to go in an old warehouse and rub bodily fluids on each other in the name of Cthulhu that’s fine with me. But if you use this as a way to initiate people into being weaponized operatives, that’s a different story.
Jason Miller: Grifter
Jason Miller set up his business as a “sorcerer for hire” who is “sometimes available to work on complex or long-term situations that require multifaceted magick for clients when needed.”
There are two basic kinds of “black magic” in these groups — “greater black magic” which is about transforming yourself, and “lesser black magic” which is about transforming others. In other words, you can make yourself stronger and someone else weaker.
The Thelema belief system places one’s own desires at the top of the moral pyramid and subjugates relationships and needs of others to “will.” It is explicit in another popular slogan in OTO:
“Love is the law; love under will.”
Thelema, Book of the Law
Love is under will.
So, Jason Miller is offering both kinds of “magic” — constructive and destructive.
But of course “magic/k” is not real, it’s just a framework for a series of intentionally designed psychological tactics that alter your own thinking, or the thinking of others. This is true of all religious groups to some extent, but as the level of control in a group increases so does the intensity of the psychological manipulation required. Authoritarian cults are on the extreme end of this spectrum, requiring trauma, dissociation and coercion to achieve the result.
Now, imagine if you were told that ”rituals,” “magical spells” or “curses” could be “manifested” as almost anything — a meme, a video, or a long thread of negative tweets for example. What if trolling was equated to witchcraft as a way to rationalize it?
Here’s what Jason Miller said to someone he was trying to mindfuck to convince them he had the power to hurt people in the real world.
Here is Jason Miller creating conspiracies about me and my volunteer group in the same conversation, indicating that their coordinated trolling server was infiltrated by “Stew and Co” when in reality it was my volunteer group that was being infiltrated by them. This is mindfucking in action.
Jason Miller sells a lot of “courses” on his website, including classes in the “Black School of Saint Cyprian.”
“The Gates of the Black School of St. Cyprian” are open.
This is listed as “related pages” on Facebook.
And here are the “Witches for Hire:”
It appears Jason Miller uses his OTO connections as a “honeypot” to attract vulnerable people into his network, indoctrinates and “trains” them in aggressive psychological influence tactics in the name of “magick” and then effectively rents them out to attack targets in the real world.
Connection to Broader Network
Jason Miller’s connections through his “QuacksAnonymous” LARP share a significant overlap with the disinformation network that has been targeting me and my allies since August 2020. He appears to have indoctrinated a number of people into this network through social media infiltration and weaponized them through psychological manipulation.
Future articles will disclose more about this network and how it is weaponized. Here is some public data on QuacksAnonymous.
That quack’s magic(k) is not extraordinarily effective. He blocked me and I didn’t feel anything.
Holy shit, I forgot all about The Process Church. Not surprised to see the name crop up here.