Bill Maher has been & will always spout the "Libertarian Party-Line" which is basically a Republican who wants to legally smoke pot. He fits both categories, perfectly.

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I believe Sam Harris gave Bill Mayer IDW brain worms.

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

I noticed some time ago Maher had a weird thing about his Black guests. He fawned over them in a disturbing way, rubbing and touching them excessively. I relate in a sense because I grew up in the deep south of the 50s where apartheid was so total a Black person was a rare sight. I was a little kid in a Western Auto when a little Black boy entered. I couldn't resist touching his hair and was startled by how soft it was. I expected a Brillo pad. Maher got into big trouble when he told some Black guest he (i.e, Maher) was a house n****r. He was forced to apologize on air. Bill Maher doesn't take kindly to being scolded. He's what we called back in the day a know-it-all.

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Maher's gone off the deep end. Talk about narcissism. I quit watching him some time ago. I enjoyed lots of laughs over the years, but I was always aware a big chunk of his soul was missing. He doesn't get women at all, except perhaps for Ann Coulter types. He positively despises children. What's cool about that?

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Why does Flynn insist on referring to himself as General Flynn? He's a Lt. General which is BELOW General. SMH I stopped watching Bill Maher because of some of the crap he spouts. If enough people stop watching him on HBO he'll be removed from their lineup due to ratings.

"The highest rank in the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps is General (⭐⭐⭐⭐), followed by Lieutenant General (⭐⭐⭐), Major General (⭐⭐) and Brigadier General (⭐). Five men have held the rank of General of the Army (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐), George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Omar Bradley, and Henry H. Arnold, who later became the only five-star general in the Air Force. The five-star rank is no longer attainable."

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Depressing. I used to like (or at least respect) Maher.

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