In reference to ADL's piece:

- “The ADL Center on Extremism has found no evidence to support this claim”

No details were provided of any research conducted by the ADL, or actual evidence to refute your claims.

- “accusing them – without evidence”

Much evidence is offered by Jim to support his claims, however it is omitted here by the ADL, depriving the reader of an informed judgement.

- ‘said to have “succeeded mostly in attacking and alienating journalists and QAnon researchers” ‘.

“Said” by who? In a unusual journalistic omission, the quote’s source is not only unnamed, but not even described or referred to.

These are series of unsubstantiated denunciations, hiding their sources and mirroring exactly statements made elsewhere by Mike Rothschild.

It is grossly defamatory and irresponsible of the ADL to include your substack in a post titled “antisemitism” and among a list of Nazi links.


The above is actionable. For the sake of your work, you have a responsibility to take all action to defend against these attacks. Please: find a good lawyer and up set a go-fund-me.

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"Why does it matter who started Q?"

A question they ask. Because they want us to laugh about it, not become alarmed at the idea a 3-star general has colluded with an enemy and has not been court-martialed for treason.

Jim, they are also calling you a "January 6 Truther" and what is that lol?

You're also apparently a "9/11 truther" hmm. Once again, what is that? A person who wonders why Iraq was punished for crimes of the Bushes and Saudis?

Anytime your name is mentioned the trolls come out hard. So much more worried about you than....Michael Flynn. hmmm......

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All this tells me is that the people at the ADL who posted this neglected to fact-check it.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

That sucks Jim. I used to give to the ADL and wrote them asking them to take down that piece of blog about you. Don’t let the fuckers get your down and keep up the good work exposing QAnon and the attacks on our nation. 🍻

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ADL is smart. Trust truth and fact. Not trolls.

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Arguably, the person or persons who okayed this is not smart, or at least is naïve.

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A person in the Yonder sphere of influence has been working for ADL’s centre for extremism for some time. @coolfacejane got her start downplaying Russian connections to the truckers protest.

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I love how these “researchers” response to any criticism I level against them isn’t to justify their research methods and data sources. It’s to post links to slander and harassment substacks and websites, and poop porn. Fakes.

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You really want me to go on that website. I wonder what kind of malware is waiting for me there?

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Russian tentacle.

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They're trying to distract you. That fker really wants to be sued, doesn't he? We know what an amazing man you are, sweets. Is there a link to ADL so we can have a chat with them? And Ole Rothie?

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