Let’s review the claims Mike Rothschild is making to my friend Jackie Singh.

“Jim has spent the last two years making up deranged conspiracy theories about me” is completely false. I have only looked into Mike Rothschild because he has been employed for two years to destroy my fucking life. I could not care less about this little weasel.
“Russian agent” no. “Russian op” otoh, yeah. “Fraud” absolutely.
“Recently claimed I was responsible for a Q-pilled man murdering his wife” is false. I said that Mike Rothschild has not only never done anything to help the victims of QAnon, he actively coordinated harassment that destroyed my volunteer group that was trying to help family members of QAnon victims.
“He could stop anytime he wants” is a lie. Pure DARVO. I have been unilaterally attacked by his team of psychos for two years. Search “@rothschildmd Jim” on Twitter and see what you get. Rothschild is assigned to destroy any version of the narrative that exposes Flynn and the Russians. And I’m here to do exactly that.
“Jim has physically threatened me, claimed was going to ‘expose me’”
I have never physically threatened Mike Rothschild. Ever. That is a defamatory lie easily proven with any example. Instead what he does here is classic disinformation. He equates the word “expose” with “physical threat” AFTER he accuses me of physically threatening him, intentionally confusing the reader and providing himself with legal cover. It’s absolutely despicable.
“Has been threatening to sue me for a year” is true. Why is that, Mike? Because of what you are doing literally right here. You have defamed me in every possible venue because it’s your JOB. I could care less about you.
“Claiming I work for Russia to run cover for QAnon” is partially true. Again, Mike… The Russians and Mike Flynn don’t give a shit about low-level disinfo ops like you. You are just a sociopathic anarchist who doesn’t care how your behavior affects anyone else. But the result of your behavior is covering for QAnon, Flynn and the Russians.
In fact it was this article which got your team so riled up you nuked my podcast account.
Russian psyop, Russian psyop, Russian psyop.
Get used to it, champ.
STFU Mike Rothschild . Mike is a fraud, a liar, and a criminal. It is not that surprising to me that the Radpod twitter account was attacked seeing that these asshats work for Michael Flynn and therefore Putin. Good luck trying to convince Jackie with your bullshit Mike.