New Series: Troll Bloopers I
In which a KassandraSeven sock puppet account and a Jason Miller sock puppet account beclown themselves in an effort to smear me and defend Jared Holt after he defended Russia.
Satanic cult leader Jason Miller, who took over my old volunteer group’s handle to larp defamation with, quote tweets a theory by KassandraSeven sock puppet account “Onesecondname” that I somehow altered the tweets on my page in an effort to “implicitly discredit @jaredholt” by “eras[ing] his blue checkmark from his tweets.”
The trouble is that if they actually looked at the page they will see they are not screenshots and are actually just the preview that automatically comes when you link a tweet. You can click it and everything. I guess Substack’s tweet preview doesn’t do the blue check?
Anyway, my god. Please continue this circus of dumbassery. I’m actually starting to enjoy it. 🤡
I have some advice for “Onesecondname.” If you are not actually a KassandraSeven sock puppet account as you insist, how about you don’t tweet while “extremely drunk” and stop making up complete bullshit about me? That way, I won’t need to put you on my blog. It’s not complicated.
Also, I’m sorry about your PTSD but you and your cohorts have been traumatizing me, my friends and followers for a long time. I live with PTSD all day long as a result. So, please, take this reverse victim projection drama somewhere else. kthx
Everyone is getting involved in #MissingCheckGate now.
See, look guys. In the screenshot there are blue checks. Now check this out…
No checkmark! WTF?!?!? It’s a mystery that you should continue to investigate. 😬
They think they are so smart. But actually they suspect you to do the same shit they practice. Like Goebbels (nazi propaganda chief) they accuse their opponents of all the crimes they are guilty of themsleves.
There’s something deeply weird about kassandraseven’s behavior. Just pure projection. She just tweeted about “DAVRO”. That’s exactly what she does. I followed her on Twitter a few years ago, and she needlessly argued with people back then, which she will say is a lie. Pedantic. Always correcting. Bossy. Arrogant. Her behavior, at least on Twitter has always been like this.
This tweet just blew me away. Total projector, imo.