It does appear like you are experiencing some frustration, since you mentioned it. Get outside for a change.

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Well - I know for sure you aren't going crazy. You are driving the insurrectionists & their sympathizers crazy. They got File-411 kicked off Twitter, & then you. There are no coincidences - how are the Facists gonna win if truth-tellers are able to get the word out on Twitter & other huge platforms? so you had to go. I will definitely unfollow anyone you mention as being not trustworthy. You proved your loyalty to America, and all of us, by warning Antifa to stay away from DC for 1/6 - and to not engage in any violence with the Facists/MAGATS. You and the others who put out these warnings probably saved Democracy by taking away the pretense from Flynn/Trump etc to implement martial law to put down violence on the streets between Antifa & fa. Thank you for everything. I think the role that Anitfa protesters played in standing down to stop this martial law plot is one of the under-covered & un-appreciated parts of the whole story surrounding the failed Coup of 1/6.

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Keep telling the truth Jim and calling out the lies. I think it was Heidi or maybe you, who said sunlight is the only antidote.

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I haven't finished listening to this great group today, but I hope we can get this Substack thing going until we get Twitter resolved. Hard to believe that this is happening AGAIN. So frustrating and just plain sad. In the meantime, this is a great way to keep in touch. Glad to hear that all your work is saved.

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