As I said to you and to the FBI in 2016. "You fucked up, Alice Wunderkind."

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That would be the Tulsa division.

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Why do you care if "Why are u talking to yourself?" Are you a DHS contractor? A bloodline of retired military?

Are you jaded?

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Are your days of Tandem now so far gone? Are you revengeful and sad?

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I know you are familiar with the reference:

"The name was chosen because when launching their company, Yorkin and Lear were said to feel like two men riding uphill on a tandem bicycle."

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Are you a jaded lawyer? Do you think you have merit?

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The post and comments are three days old. How long did you have to dig back through the post and comments to come up with "Why are u talking to yourself?"

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I'd say --yes--I'm worried about what may have been in those folders. However, I suppose they could just be the folders the loose documents were in originally. Dunno.

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Given Melania’s NFT crypto scheme, Many of those documents could have easily been minted onto a blockchain and sent out without them being easily traced. It’s just another enormous risk of having had a mob boss President willing to sell anything and everything to pay off debts.

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Spank Flaps, I made millions selling NFTs. When you think the Internet is about technology, that's what it was before Facebook became a news website. You had to find ways to let people interact with your information. All of the innovations that I'd worked on about the Internet have all come out of Microsoft. The question that has to be asked here is, what should the biggest players do to prevent the Internet from becoming a big business.

This has all got to start in Silicon Valley. You're seeing a lot of developers and startups in Silicon Valley. They're just getting started. As of Thursday. I think I have a team of 1,000 people working on a big question about privacy and the Internet. It will be really important to get to know their developers and what they're doing about their business. So hopefully we can help.

And there are a lot of people working on this as well. They've talked to a lot of people from Google. So yes, there are a lot of people in Silicon Valley who are talking to me about business with this. Google is trying to make great products, but it's a little different to say Google has decided to go big, but it's a little different to say they're trying to create their own mobile gaming platform. So I'm very excited to have them working on that with me as well. I'm very excited to have them developing things for Android devices, and the way Nintendo created a new energy drink.

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JFC tfg is whack stupid. The damage he's causing while the world burns is massive. My take: MAL was a US government document convenience store. He held the most valuable ones in the event he was financially wiped and needed funds. Others were sold or stolen.


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Wouldn’t he hold on to the most valuable documents, the crème de la crème of kompromat? Then again, he’s a moron, so maybe not. I’m imagining top secret auctions at MAL, with Kash Patel as the auctioneer… 🙀

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Buncha clowns

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Sep 2, 2022
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40 Military Aid documents not in their folders!

40 Military Aid documents taken from or given by Staff Secretary!

40 Military Aid documents not returned to Staff Secretary!

40 Military Aid documents from January 2017 to December 2019 currently not in their folders and not at the National Archives!

Do I got that right?

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That's it. Flynn and Department of Homeland Security is in big, big trouble. Flynn should give it up.

Questions For the Record (QFR)

The irony of Liz Cheney being the one asking the right question, busting him and the Department of Homeland Security simultaneously, is appropriately fitting.

We can get our Emergency Management Civil Defense back. Liz being the one asking the right question for the right answer to Flynn could help heal our country since the development of DHS.


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Yup. I experience quite certain Heidi Cuda is correct again. That image board?

Yup very well could have been one of those Military Aid documents not in the National Archives. That image board actually should also be in the Archives.

I agree fully.



Congress needs to figure out the deal between Trump, Jared, and the Saudis | Will Bunch

The FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago should bring a new sense of urgency to getting to the bottom of corrupt Trump family ties to the Saudis.

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Oh my, or maybe this Staff Secretary:

"Christina Bobb

As the Executive Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, Christina oversees the management of written communication intended for, and originated by, the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. Under her leadership, the Office of the Executive Secretary (ESEC) governs the Department-wide processes for responding to correspondence and preparing the Secretary’s briefing book, congressional authorization reports, hearing testimony, and questions for the record (QFR) related to congressional authorizing committees."

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DHS Staff Secretary does make most sense in this scenario.

Trump liked visuals. Theater of War visual aids is right up DHS. (E.g. Memes, Propaganda, OAN)

"Trafficking in propaganda" is a crime.

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Sep 2, 2022
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Oh I agree as well Michael about Patel. This is the string I have been looking for.

I cut and pasted our conversation, moved it over to my substack if you want to come over there.


This is a string I can pull. Would love more of your thoughts too.

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Sep 2, 2022
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Technically he endangered our National Guard or that is what he wanted. Have the national guard on the MAGA side. It did not happen. National Guard is who Emergency Management or Civil Defense worked directly with prior to the creation of a Department of Homeland Security.

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In America, there was a time before DHS, when Emergency Management or what we used to call Civil Defense for communities, actually worked.

Hurricane Katrina was the first clear example that Emergency Management should never have been moved into the Department of Homeland Security.

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