Madness! How much of this insanity is coming out of Christianity and how much out of the endless greed of the ultra-wealthy?

Climate Change may end up saving Earth...by destroying the virus known as humanity.

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This is like a cancer that is being ignored. I can't understand why! This is aiding the enemy and poisoning the public to take down America. They must be stopped!

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Please explain to me why the Feds do not/can not arrest these people. I mean all someone has to do is make a note threatening the president, bury it in an attic but if found, LE is able to swoop down jail that someone, for a very long time. Our democracy doesn’t have that protection?

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Whew! Merry Christmas to you too, Jim:)

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Chilling nausea inducing and honestly terrifying-- thanks Jim for writing so clearly. (Also an element of the absurd that defines any logic.)

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