
That Nicole bitch hate troll is something else

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Just watched last night's Rad Pod. Fantastic show again, guys. Jim, I want you back in that cage! And am looking to next year's award show. So funny. Now I'll catch up on these writings!!

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I like the way you're making it clear in this article that these trolls are doing it for money. Fuding NYC rent, fancy vacations, etc. People like me who do to have your depth of background information do not naturally understand this. I didn't until Heidi Cuda asked you something along these lines on a farily recent podcast. I remember you saying something like, "of course." It should be obvious, but it wasn't to me, becasue this is not a job I'd ever heard of. I also can not wrap my mind around why someone would do this. Despration for money? Amoral? Rationalizing to themselves that what they're doing is no worse than fill in the blank? Just plain mean? Sociopath? It is so far from my experience and my way of thinking that I need it spelled out for me, and I appreciate that you are doing so. I still don't understand who pays them.

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