No need to answer my 'how do they know Russian?' question on the other post;)

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Oh hi, Mike, Kassandra and other various bad-faith people: here’s Mike “ The comments from Jim's supporters on Twitter and his blog are growing increasingly messianic and paranoid - with much of the persecution fantasy directed at small-follower accounts, women, and people who have literally nothing to do with any of this. It's not okay.” (Tweet: https://twitter.com/rothschildmd/status/1500936462459551745?s=21 )

First off Mike, LOL. There’s things I absolutely don’t agree with Jim on, there’s things I don’t agree with my spouse on or friends or family. Jesus fucking Christ, dude. “increasingly messianic” — who, me? All his subscribers? It’s a substack. Folks subscribe to this, other writers. Hell, I would guess that people subbed to this also have subscriptions to The NY Times, Wapo, Motherjones, The Guadian. And other non-legacy blogs.

The level of lunacy with that tweet just tells me that your reductionist thing you have going on with that (paraphrasing) “his subscribers believe everything he says, it’s getting like qanon, or a cult”.

LMAO. Just fuck you, dude. And kassandraseven, you’ve been a vicious person when I followed you years ago. We DMd & you were bizarre and cold & I offered you support about something. You DMd me first, by the way.

Maybe there’s a reason people go after you & have for years: you’re an incredibly nasty person with a know-it-all-attitude. & NO, I don’t think you’re getting paid to be on Twitter —which makes your behavior even worse, frankly. I just think you’re a miserable person.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Ok, started laughing at the stupid title of her blog-world through my Lu. In high school “Lu” is what my friends and I used for “vagina.” (Yes, I’m aware that it means WC in the UK.)

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