Pizzagate: The Last Resort
How Mike Flynn & Elon Musk are turning John Podesta’s emails into the new Protocols of the Elders of Zion, again
“Pizzagate” is an ongoing psychological operation in the United States to paint Democrats, in particular Hillary Clinton, as Satanic pedophiles who torture, murder and eat children. It was started before the 2016 election and formed the basis for the QAnon psyop. Millions of people have been affected by this psychological weapon.
While Mike Flynn’s network has been openly reinvigorating Pizzagate propaganda for the last year, now Elon Musk has entered the Pizzagate promotion business.
Musk is attempting to distract from his own blatant antisemitism by suing Media Matters for defamation and weaponizing child abuse propaganda to gain support. This is both deeply desperate and incredibly dangerous.
Comet Ping Pong Pizza was a restaurant that got shot up by a Pizzagate believer who genuinely thought Hillary Clinton was hiding children in the basement — which did not exist. He was convicted and sent to prison.
Pizzagate is Russian Propaganda Adapted for an American Audience
At the turn of the 20th century, a protege of Russian emigre Helena Blavatsky, the creator of theosophy, published an antisemitic hoax widely thought to have been compiled by Russian intelligence as a way to create a scapegoat for the failures of the Tsars — who were being pressured by revolutionary Bolshevik forces. The hoax was called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
Although plainly fake, the Protocols purported to be a real document, a plan for Jews to take over the world. It recapitulated the basic themes of ancient blood libel — that Jews were involved in the ritual murder of Christians and children. It also accused Jews of wanted to enslave and ultimately eat “the goyim.”
The Protocols were published at length by antisemite Henry Ford in the 1920s in his newspaper and a book called “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem.”
Hitler both praised Henry Ford and The Protocols in Mein Kampf — which was written after Hitler tried and failed to overthrow the government of Weimar Germany and spent a comfortable year in prison planning the Third Reich.
The New Protocols — John Podesta’s Emails
In March 2016, just a few months after Mike Flynn sat with Vladimir Putin in Moscow, the GRU hacked the Democratic National Committee’s servers and the emails of Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta.
On October 7th, at the same time the Access Hollywood “grab ‘em by the pussy” tape came out, and the DHS issued a warning about Russian propaganda, Kremlin cutout Wikileaks started to publish John Podesta’s hacked emails.
While then-FBI director James Comey had supposedly closed the case on Hillary Clinton’s emails, Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge wrote a number of stories that kept “her emails” in the news.

On October 18th, 2016, ex-FBI agent Brian McCauley, who had previously been on the board of one of Mike Flynn’s companies, and was paid $28,000 by Flynn private intelligence firm, went public with an allegation that there had been State Department pressure on him to cover up for classified information on Hillary’s email server. This was false but reignited the controversy regardless.

On October 28, 2016, James Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server based on information he got from unknown sources that there were new emails on Huma Abedin’s laptop. Despite not having these alleged emails, he chose to make a public announcement. This was the beginning of the end of her campaign.
Within 48 hours, Mike Flynn’s network of white nationalist trolls in MAGA3X began to add lies to the story behind Comey reopening her emails. Allegations of child sex trafficking and abuse began to bubble out on Kremlin fake news sites like “YourNewsWire.”

These lies were immediately amplified by Mike Flynn himself.
Then on November 3, 2016, a literal Nazi named Jared Wyand with a history of working on Kremlin disinformation campaigns published a tweet that became the basis for “Pizzagate.” Wyand, who was working for Mike Flynn’s PAC MAGA3X with white nationalists “Microchip,” James Brower, Douglass Mackey and others published a completely made up set of “code words” to look for in Podesta’s emails.
These “code words” supposedly led to evidence that Podesta and Hillary Clinton were involved in Satanic ritual child abuse and murder. They did not.

Regardless, this lie was immediately repeated and spread by a variety of Flynn-connected propagandists, including accounts run by the Prighozin-led Internet Research Agency, international terrorist Erik Prince, and Flynn himself.
Now, a full seven years later, this ridiculous lie not only persists, it’s being promoted by the richest man in the world because traumatic propaganda about child abuse is effective at radicalizing people — despite the fact that it’s completely false. Please watch for these lies, protect yourself and your loved ones. Sadly, it’s not a joke.
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some added clarification of Protocols links to Theosophy-inspired sources:
This is important work Jim! I read every article you write and look forward to each new one. I also look forward to see this all come to light and hope this psyop and those who have originally started this get exposed !!